May 6, 2008



Psalm 69:3 - I am weary with my crying out; my throat is parched. (ESV)

I have been through a period of spiritual dryness during the past two months. This may sound like a short time -- and it is -- but for me, it has seemed like an eternity. The dryness came as I stepped out of God's will for my life. I know this now, as I have repented and brought myself back in line with His will for my life. Though many have been blessed while I have been spiritually dry, this only comes from the work of the Lord.

My spiritual dryness has shown up by my not writing during this time. At first, I didn't recognize that there was a problem. Then I tried to make excuses to myself and even deny it. Blank paper, though, has a way of speaking much more loudly than empty words. It was empty words that were forming on the paper -- if anything.

Each time I sat down to write, it was by my flesh, by my own strength, that words were formed. It was not until I acknowledged the dryness, repented of going my own way, and returned to my Father's will, that the words began to flow. I know when the Lord is working through me in the writings. The words come so effortlessly, and when I read some of them, months or even years later, I am surprised to see my name at the bottom. This only comes from the Lord.

The Psalms are a great place to begin reading when we sense a dryness or when we are made aware of this in our lives.

Psalm 143:6 - I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. (ESV)

How does dryness manifest itself in our lives? Does it leave us feeling lost and wandering around, not able to put our fingers on it? Is our prayer life compromised or in some cases non-existent? Is there such busyness in our lives that we don't recognize the dryness? Do we find ourselves making excuses for not spending time in the Word or with other believers?

However it chooses to manifest itself, dryness is a part of the Christian's walk or life. How we choose to deal with it makes our walk more meaningful and is a witness to Christ in our lives.

Dear Jesus, we are truly sorry for the times we step out of Your will for our lives. We are ever so grateful that in the seasons of dryness which encompass our way from time to time, we can hold true Your promise that You will never leave us. Help us to recognize dryness in others around us and to come alongside them. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Julie Bowles

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