March 28, 2008

Where to Bank All Our Trust!

Where to Bank All Our Trust!

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, whose thoughts are fixed on You! Isaiah 26:3

“I know what you are thinking!” Have you ever said that to someone or had someone say that to you? Renee and I have been married for almost 30 years. There are times where I could accurately guess what is going through her mind as she might do the same with me. That is really only about familiarity. We sometimes know someone so well that we can guess what they are thinking about. That is not the same as knowing what they are thinking about because you have some mystical connection to their mind and thoughts. Although that kind idea is often seen in movies and television, it’s not true and to the contrary – it opens the door to the demonic activity.

We can’t know what someone else is thinking. 1 Cor. 2:11 (NLT) says, “No one can know what anyone else is really thinking except that person alone…” Why is this important to know? Because the world sneaks ideas and concepts into your life without you even realizing it – ideas that are not true but that you could easily and naively believe and put faith in. When you do, it opens the door to demonic activity.

Years before I got saved, someone sold me a bag of goods about this scientific method of determining people’s moods for the day in advance. I was naïve. It sounded cool. I believed into and got carried away with it. I talked to people about this on and off for a couple of years. It gave me some kind of spiritual feeling.

The truth is, this was cultish and opened the door to demonic activity in my life. Until I gave my life to the Lord and started being taught by God’s Word, I really didn’t understand how much it could hurt me. Even worse – I was influencing others with garbage ideas that contributed nothing to the real truth – the saving grace of Jesus Christ. These kinds of ideas help seduce people into demonically inspired lies believing they can predict the future, into knowing how people will act in days to come, and so much more. People believe that stuff and belief is faith. It’s unknowingly putting faith in demonic deception rather that the truth of God’s Word. So, there is nothing innocent about it. It’s dangerous.

There appears to be more mental health issues in this day and age than we have ever witnessed before. Why is that? What is causing that? Much of it is fear. The devil tries to seduce people into leaning on and trusting in supernatural forth telling or putting their trust in things other than God. These things will fail them where God never will.

There are those that out of curiosity or the desire to be entertained, read horoscopes or visit fortune tellers trying to find out their future. Some listen to psychics or to those that say they can speak to the dead. People that have lost a loved one and so earnestly desire to "speak with them" are ripe for this form of deception. There is a whole new wave of television shows about people seeing into the past and future and talking to the dead. Hollywood producers are ignorant of God’s Word and have no idea that they are pawns in Satan’s hand to push demonic influence.

It may be called just “entertainment” but this becomes the seed planted in people's minds that seduce them to believing that there might be something to it. Just as Christians are used as God's vessels to bring the gospel and miracles, so people can unknowingly be used of Satan to bring deceptive practices and create illusions which is false power that appears to be supernatural. Those that write horoscopes, tell fortunes through tera cards, read palms or crystal balls – those that call themselves psychics and those that communicate with the dead ARE being used of Satan. Run from them!

God instructed His people through Moses, "… do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations,,, Let no one be found among you … who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritists or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD… But as for you, the LORD your God has not permitted you to do so." Deut. 18:9-14

Satan will work more and more of this deception in the earth as we get closer to Jesus' second coming because he wants miracles to appear not to come just at the hand of God. That way, people will attribute miracles to many things instead of just Almighty God. Satan has always had this plan and God has always condemned it. Rev. 19:20 says, "But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur."

You can’t and won’t be able to know the future – except for what God reveals in His Word. What you can know is that in a thousand ways, God promises to love, care for, and protect you. Jeremiah 29:11 puts it like this: “For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” That is what He wants you to believe, trust Him in, and think about. It will be the source of supernatural peace and mental soundness. Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Tim Burt

March 27, 2008

Compassion for a Bully

Compassion for a Bully

My sixth-grade year was one of confusion, intimidation, strength and friendship. There was a girl in my class named Krista. She was taller than me and very skinny, with bony arms and legs. I remember her beady brown eyes and the hard look on her face. Krista didn’t like me. In fact, I think she hated me. I was always the smallest in the class and maybe that made me easy to pick on. She would say, “C’mon, little girl, show me what you got! Or are you scared? No one likes you, little girl.”

I tried to act like it didn’t bother me and walk away. Sometimes it would just get to me, and I would say, “Stop it!” I definitely didn’t want her to see me crying in the bathroom. As the year went on, Krista began to get more aggressive. She started coming up to me and punching me in the arm with her bony knuckles. My friends told me to ignore her as we walked away. But those punches hurt. Why me? What did she have against me? I had never done anything to invite this kind of behavior.

One day at recess, I decided to face the bully. I had been imagining this moment for weeks. Oh, how good it would feel to punch her back. I wanted to show her that I wasn’t scared. So right as the bell was about to ring, I went up to Krista and kicked her in the leg, and then ran as fast as I could into the classroom. I was safe with the teacher in the room. But Krista beamed an evil look my way and said, “Be scared. I’ll get you later.”

I worked hard at avoiding her the rest of the year. I remember telling my mom about it, and her consoling me with open arms and kind words. She said, “Nobody can tell you how little you are - you decide how big you will be.” I really liked that saying. I would say it in my head often and find strength in these words. Krista continued to punch my arm periodically, but eventually it slowed down. But the thought of Krista and her torment didn’t die so quickly in my mind.

A year later, in seventh grade, I received a letter from my temple letting me know the date of my Bat Mitzvah, the biggest day of my youth. Then I read who my partner would be for this special occasion. KRISTA. How could this be? I would stand in front of family and friends and read from the Torah, become a woman and share this moment on the pulpit with Krista? She was the source of all my anxiety and insecurity and yet this day was supposed to show my strength, pride and wisdom. I was supposed to become an adult. And she would be there, waiting to belittle me. It wasn’t fair.

I practiced my portion for months and planned a wonderful reception. I tried to put the thought of Krista out of my head. When the day came that Krista and I saw each other for the first time in a year, we both acted civil. I could tell she wasn’t pleased either. Of course, she couldn’t punch me in the temple.

I was all dressed up, standing before a huge audience, wanting so much for things to go smoothly, especially in front of Krista. I would have died if I messed up in front of all these people and then had to deal with the laughing and teasing of this bully. I imagined all the names she would call me.

When I read my Torah portion and my speech, I read loudly and confidently. I knew it well. I had practiced long and hard. I saw my friends and family smiling to me, and I focused just on them.

Then Krista came up. She was shaking. I was shocked at how nervous and scared the bully seemed. I had never seen that side of Krista. She was always so strong. But as I watched her fumble through words and chants, I saw this tough girl become weak, flawed and human. I hadn’t thought of Krista as human and emotional. As she sat back down in her seat, she quietly cried in her hands. I suddenly felt something that I never imagined feeling toward Krista - compassion. I had always dreamed of the day I could laugh in her face and make her feel as little as she made me feel. But now that the day was really here, I didn’t want to anymore. I sat down next to the sad girl, as her hands remained over her eyes.

“I know I messed up; you don’t need to gloat. Go away!” she said.

“You were nervous. Everyone understands. No one remembers the mistakes. They love you and will focus on all the good. That’s what family and friends do,” I told her.

“Not my family. They love to tell me my mistakes,” she answered. And then it made sense to me. This is why she was a bully. This is all she knew.

I put my hand on her shoulder and told her again that she did great. She could barely look me in the eyes, and then she whispered, “Thank you. I don’t know why you are being so nice; I was never nice to you.”

“I know. But it is in the past; it’s over.”

“I’m sorry,” she finally said. I smiled and gave her my forgiveness. I told her what my mom had told me the year before, “Nobody can tell you how little you are - you decide how big you will be.” Hopefully, those words gave her the strength that they gave me. I truly believe I became an adult that day.


March 26, 2008



Thought this was pretty amazing and interesting!

For all the scientists out there, and for all the students who have a hard time convincing these people regarding the truth of the Bible, here's something that shows God's awesome creation, and that He is still in control.

Did you know that the space program is busy proving that what has been called 'myth' in the Bible is true?

Mr. Harold Hill, President of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore, Maryland, and a consultant in the space program, relates the following development.

I think one of the most amazing things that God has done for us today happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at Green Belt, Maryland.

They were checking out where the positions of the sun, moon, and planets would be 100 years and 1,000 years from now. We have to know this so we won't send up a satellite and have it bump into something later on in its orbits.

We have to lay out the orbits in terms of the life of the satellite and where the planets will be so the whole thing will not bog down.

They ran the computer measurement back and forth over the centuries, and it came to a halt. The computer stopped and put up a red signal, which meant that there was something wrong with either the information fed into it or with the results as compared to the standards.

They called in the service department to check it out, and they said, 'What's wrong?'. Well, they found there is a day missing in space in elapsed time.

They scratched their heads and tore their hair out. There was no answer.

Finally a Christian man on the team said, 'You know, one time I was in Sunday School, and they talked about the sun standing still.' While they didn't believe him, they didn't have an answer either, so they said, 'Show us.'

He got a Bible and went to the book of Joshua where they found a pretty ridiculous statement for any one with 'common sense.'

There they found the Lord saying to Joshua, 'Fear them not, I have delivered them into thy hand; there shall not a man of them stand before Thee.'

Joshua was concerned because he was surrounded by the enemy! And if darkness fell, they would overpower them. So Joshua asked the Lord to make the sun stand still! That's right... 'The sun stood still and the moon stayed and lasted not to go down about a whole day!' (Joshua 10:12-13)

The astronauts and scientists said, There is the missing day! They checked the computers going back into the time it was written and found it was close but not close enough. The elapsed time that was missing back in Joshua's day was 23 hours and 20 minutes... not a whole day.

They read the Bible, and there it was about [approxi-mately] a day. These little words in the Bible are important, but they were still in trouble because if you cannot account for 40 minutes, you'll still be in trouble 1000 years from now. Forty minutes had to be found because it can be multiplied many times over in orbits. As the Christian employee thought about it, he remembered somewhere in the Bible where it said the sun went BACKWARDS.

The scientists told him he was out of his mind, but they got out the Book and read these words in 2 Kings that told of the following story: Hezekiah, on his death bed, was visited by the prophet Isaiah who told him that he was not going to die. Hezekiah asked for a sign as proof. Isaiah said 'Do you want the sun to go ahead 10 degrees?'

Hezekiah said, 'It is nothing for the sun to go ahead 10 degrees, but let the shadow return backward 10 degrees.' Isaiah spoke to the Lord, and the Lord brought the shadow ten degrees BACKWARD! Ten degrees is exactly 40 minutes!

Twenty-three hours and 20 minutes in Joshua, plus 40 minutes in Second Kings make the missing day in the universe! Isn't it amazing?

References: Joshua 10:8 and 12, 13 and II Kings 20:9-11

Author unknown to me

March 25, 2008

Imperfection needn’t matter in Relationships

Imperfection needn’t matter in Relationships

When I was a little girl, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work.

On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned toast in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was reach for his toast, smile at my mom, and ask me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite!

When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the toast. And I'll never forget what he said: 'Baby, I love burned toast.'

Later that night, I went to kiss daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, 'Debbie, your momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides - a little burnt toast never hurt anyone!'

In bed that night, I thought about that scene at dinner... and the kindness my daddy showed my mom. To this day, it's a cherished memory from my childhood that I'll never forget. And it's one that came to mind just recently when Jack and I sat down to eat dinner.

I had arrived home late... as usual... and decided we would have breakfast food for dinner. Some things never change, I suppose!

To my amazement, I found the ingredients I needed, and quickly began to cook eggs, turkey sausage, and buttered toast. Thinking I had things under control, I glanced through the mail for the day. It was only a few minutes later that I remembered that I had forgotten to take the toast out of the oven!

Now, had it been any other day -- and had we had more than two pieces of bread in the entire house -- I would have started all over. But it had been one of those days and I had just used up the last two pieces of bread. So burnt toast it was!

As I set the plate down in front of Jack, I waited for a comment about the toast. But all I got was a 'Thank you!' I watched as he ate bite by bite, all the time waiting for some comment about the toast. But instead, all Jack said was, 'Babe, this is great. Thanks for cooking tonight. I know you had a hard day.'

As I took a bite of my charred toast that night, I thought about my Mom and dad... how burnt toast hadn't been a deal-breaker for them. And I quietly thanked God for giving me a marriage where burnt toast wasn't a deal-breaker either!

You know, life is full of imperfect things... and imperfect people. I'm not the best housekeeper or cook. And you might be surprised to find out that Jack isn't the perfect husband! He likes to play his music too loud. He will always find a way to avoid yard work, and he watches far too many sports. Believe it or not, watching ' Golf Academy' is not my idea of a great night at home!

But somehow in the past 37 years Jack and I have learned to accept the imperfections in each other. Over time, we have stopped trying to make each other in our own mold and have learned to celebrate our differences.

You might say that we've learned to love each other for who we really are!

For example, I like to take my time, I'm a perfectionist, and I'm even-tempered. I tend to work too much and sleep too little. Jack, on the other hand, is disciplined, studious, an early riser, and is a marketer's dream consumer. I count pennies and Jack could care less! Where he is strong, I am weak, and vice versa.

And while you might say that Jack and I are opposites, we're also very much alike. I can look at him and tell you what he's thinking. I can predict these actions before he finalizes his plans. On the other hand, he knows whether I'm troubled or not the moment I enter a room.

We share the same goals. We love the same things. And we are still best friends. We've traveled through many valleys and enjoyed m many mountain tops. And yet, at the same time, Jack and I must work every minute of every day to make this thing called 'marriage' work!

What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other's faults - and choosing to celebrate each other's differences - is the one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting marriage relationship.

And that's my prayer for you today. That you will learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your married life and lay them at the feet of GOD. Because in the end, He's the only One who will be able to give you a marriage where burnt toast isn't a deal-breaker!

We could extend this to any relationship in fact – as understanding is the base of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent–child or friendship!!!

Deb Graham
[Shared by Benhur Clement Jonathan]
PS: In the family with Jesus, 100% enjoyment in life is assured.

March 24, 2008



September 11, 2001.

None of us will ever forget where we were, who we were with and what we were doing that fateful day when tragedy struck America on what looked like a beautiful day in New York city. America will never be the same. As we deal with the loss of thousands of innocent lives we were also reminded that history books will also tell the tale of many Americans that faced terror with courage.

I dedicate this page to many that died so that others like us might live.

Let me share with you briefly our story:

I worked on the 81st floor of the North Tower or Tower 1 of the World Trade Center and my wife Mary worked on the 71st floor of the South Tower or Tower 2 of the World Trade Center. We enjoyed so much working in the same complex. I left home early that morning for work. As I sat on my chair I started reflecting on God's goodness on my life. I began to sense a deep sense of emptiness in my life. God's hand was upon us. He had blessed us with good jobs and now we were even expecting our first child. But all I found myself doing is going to church on Sunday mornings. I knew there was a call of God upon my life but I was not doing anything about it. I decided to write an email to a friend from my church telling him how I felt, I let go of that email at 8:05 am from my office. Little did I know what that day would bring.

At about 8:45 AM on the morning of September 11, 2001, I had just faxed out some documents and was returning to my desk and hear this tremendous explosion. Our building shook and tilted. People screamed throughout our floor. Although we had no idea of what had happened, what had happened was that the American Airlines Flight 11 bound from Boston to Los Angeles, with a full tank of fuel had hit the floors directly above us. Soon debris from the aircraft flew into our office and everything started going up in flames. Everyone, however, remained calm and we started making our way to the stairway. There was a huge crater in our floor and we could see almost 10 floors below and above us. That moment my heart sank, as I had no idea whether the plane had hit our tower or the one my wife was working in. I thought to myself that she would have been entering the second tower at that moment. I just could not help but think of the fact that she was four months pregnant then with our son.

We were all being evacuated through the stairway. My cell phone was not working so I had no way of reaching my wife. After I had gone down about thirty flights, I entered an office on the 53rd floor and tried to make some calls. However, the only number I could reach was my cousin's wife who lived in Queens. I told her I was fine and that I was going down the stairwell. By this time, I was extremely worried about my wife, and continued running down the stairwells. While we were descending, there were hundreds of fire fighters and police officers passing by us on the way up to rescue people who were trapped. These brave men never made it home. As we were led down I saw an unbelievable sight as I looked out into the courtyard. It was a picture of death, complete destruction. Fuselage of the plane that had crashed, burning material, shattered glass and bodies all over the courtyard. It seemed a war zone.

I saw people being led through different exits of the World Trade Center. I decided to walk towards Tower 2 hoping that there might be chance that I might see my wife there if she had not made it to her floors. As I reached closer to this building I hear a loud explosion, the whole building collapsing.

All 110 stories of the second tower of the World Trade Center collapsed upon us standing near the foot of the building. Huge boulders and steel and mortar were tumbling down around us. We huddled at one end of the building and I started praying for the blood of Jesus and asking God to give His strength. As I stared death as its face I started having this peace about this place called heaven. I told the people around me that all of us were going to die and if there was anyone who did not yet know Christ that they should call upon His name. At that point, everyone around me started crying: "Jesus!". There is so much power in the name of Jesus.

When you are near death, you are very ready to accept Jesus into your life. By then, the whole building had collapses and we were in the debris.

Not a single boulder or any material fell on me. I found myself in three feet of white soot. I got to my feet and was surrounded by silence. I could see dead bodies all around me. God directed me to a man on the ground who had a flashlight on him. I told him that only Jesus could save us and that we had to live. When the man had stood up, I saw that the jacket he was wearing had "FBI" written on it. We held hands and started walking through the rubble. It was like a blizzard, one caused by all the concrete and ash that had been stirred up into the atmosphere.

The Holy Spirit then showed me a light flashing on top of an ambulance, so I told the man from the FBI that we had to head to that flashing light, since the ambulance was on the street. We somehow made it to the ambulance, which had been badly hit by flying debris. But still God kept the flashing light on top of the ambulance working to show me the way. From that point, it was relatively easy for us to make our way out. Nevertheless, I was gripped by the thought that my wife who was in the other World Trade Center tower might be dead. All kinds of images went through my mind.

Crowds started running from all over downtown to safer places far away from the skyscrapers. We ran and walked for an hour, and throughout the whole time my cell phone failed to work. Finally, at noon my cell phone rang. It was my wife, telling me that she was alive. When she heard my voice, she realized that I too had made it through. She had not made it to work, since her train had reached the World Trade Center subway stop five minutes after the first crash and so had not made it into the buildings. She had been hysterical on the streets, thinking I was dead and seeing people jumping out of the buildings. Nevertheless, both of us were, miraculously, alive. My wife reached 39th Street in Manhattan near the Ferry and somehow I reached there. We looked back and could see both our buildings now only a pile of smoking rubble and ashes.

It is impossible to explain the sense of relief that flowed through us when we saw each other. Both of us had been so close to believing that we would never see each other again. When the explosion took place and the building was crumbling around me, images of my wife, parents, grandmother, and other loved ones flashed through my mind. The relief that we were alive was almost more than I could bear. This story of ours is almost too good to be true. In spite of 110 floors of one of the tallest buildings in the world falling around me, I had not one single scratch on my body. For me this is proof that not only is God good, but that He knows the number of every single hair on our head. God never sleeps or dozes. This event proved to me that He is coming soon and that it is fundamentally important that we live every day as if He will be coming that very day. I am reminded however that thousands died on this fateful day. We will all have to go one day. It was not our time to go that day. It is appointed for all men to die once. We are here to challenge the world with the question: "Do You Know Where You Are Going?"

I salute the fallen and those that have been left standing. I thank God for our bravest Police men and women, firemen, men and women who go in harm's way and defend this nation. Many gave their today for others to see their tomorrow.

I thank God for the resilience of life that we saw in New York City. I thank God for America. I thank God for the thousands that have invited Jesus into their hearts. Our God is in the business of turning our tragedies into trophies of His glory and grace. We have been so blessed with the love and support from people from all over the world. We love you all.

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint." - Isaiah 40:31

[Shared by Monsy Mathew]

March 20, 2008

Is this All there is?

Is this All there is?

Something is awry - we feel disconnected. We connect with a career, find meaning in family, yet long for something more.

We feel the frustration I felt on Christmas morning, 1964. I assembled a nine-year-old's dream gift: a genuine Santa Fe Railroad miniature train set, complete with battery-powered engine and flashing crossing lights. I placed the locomotive on the tracks and watched in sheer glee as three pounds of pure steel wound its way across my bedroom floor. Around and around and around and . . . around . . . and around . . . After some time I picked it up and turned it the other direction. It went around and around and around…

"Mom, what else did you get me for Christmas?" Similarly, our lives chug in long ovals, one lap after another.

First job. Promotion. Wedding day. Nursery beds. Kids. Grandkids. Around and around . . . Is there anything else? Our dissatisfaction mates with disappointment and gives birth to some unruly children: drunkenness, power plays, eighty-hour workweeks, nosedives into sexual perversions - all nothing more than poorly disguised longings for Eden. We long to restore what Adam lost. As someone once said, "The man who knocks on the door of a brothel is seeking God."

Where and when the brothel fails, Jesus steps forth with a reconnection invitation. Though we be "dead in [our] transgressions and sins (Eph. 2:1) and separated from the life of God (Eph. 4:18), whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God (I John 5:1). Reborn! This is not a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan-this rebirth comes from God." (John 1:13.)

Don't miss the invisible, inward miracle triggered by belief. God reinstates us to Garden-of-Eden status. What Adam and Eve did, we now do! The flagship family walked with God; we can too. They heard his voice; so can we. They were naked and unashamed; we can be transparent and unafraid. No more running or hiding.

"Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven - and the future starts now!" (1 Pet. 1:3-4 MSG).

Max Lucado

March 18, 2008

A Bossy Attitude

A Bossy Attitude

Our Lord was a servant, but alas, Christian leaders and missionaries today are often masters - bosses and Sahibs. We may not be able to prevent others from calling us "Sahibs" perhaps, but the question is whether we desire to be Sahibs in our hearts.

We need to re-learn the lesson that Jesus sought so patiently to teach His disciples. To them He said, after washing their feet, "In this world the kings and great men order their slaves around... but among you the one who serves you best will be your leader. Out in the world the master sits at the table and is served by his servants. But not here! For I am your servant" (Lk. 22:25-27 Living N.T.). Oh, how these words should convict us of our bossy attitude to those under us. How we should be humbled by the example of our Lord. May the Lord remove from us all false, worldly ideas of self-respect and dignity and race-superiority that we may yet be having. May He teach us afresh that the real mark of greatness in the kingdom of God is to be a servant, a pourer of water, as Jesus was.

May God help us to take the low place not only now but right through till the end of our lives. Let us never seek for honour and respect and obedience from our fellow-brethren at any time, not even when we feel we are senior workers in the Lord's vineyard. In our attitude to others, may we always recognise that they are the masters and we are the servants - even if our official position in the administrative set-up of our church is higher than theirs and even if we are senior in age and in experience. The higher we go, the more it becomes our responsibility to serve others.

2 Corinthians 4:5 is a very challenging verse in this connection. Paul says there (paraphrasing his words). "We preach two things: By our lips we proclaim Christ Jesus as Lord. By our life we proclaim ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake."

Brothers and sisters, this is our twofold message; and what God has joined together, let no man put asunder. This is the full gospel. May we never be guilty of proclaiming only half of it, for only when this message is proclaimed in its entirety will the heathen begin to see Christ sanctified in us. It is the lack of this that hinders so much of the Lord's work in our land today.

If we are to be servants, we have to be genuinely humble. We shouldn't mistake condescension for humility. It is easy to have condescension. Even selfish politicians have that. We can have a conceited opinion of ourselves in our hearts that we are big people and then condescend to fellowship with lesser folk and mistake that for humility. No, that's not humility at all.

Genuine humility involves my recognising that in God's eyes there is no difference whatever between me and anyone else. All the natural distinctions that exist between me and others are caused by circumstances and environmental factors etc., and have all been eradicated at the cross. The cross of Jesus reduces us all to zero. If that has not happened in my life, it only indicates that I have not yet begun to esteem others as more important than myself, as Philippians 2:3 commands us to. Once we have been reduced to zero, it becomes easy to take the low place, willingly and joyfully. And it becomes easy then for God to accomplish His full purpose through us as well.

As long as Moses (at the age of 40) felt that he was to be the leader of God's people, God couldn't use him (Acts 7:25). God had to take him out into the wilderness for another 40 years and break him. Finally, Moses came to the place where he said, "Lord, I'm not the man for this job. I'm unfit. I can't even speak" (and he really meant it; it wasn't just false humility as it often is with some folk who say similar things!). It was only then that God could use him, for Moses had now come to an end of himself. At the age of 40, in his own strength, all Moses could do was burying one Egyptian under the sand. After God had broken him, he buried the whole Egyptian army under the Red Sea. Such is the result of brokenness.

It is not enough that the Lord take the five loaves and bless them. They must be broken before the multitude can be fed. This is a process that has to be repeated in our lives constantly. God takes us, blesses us, breaks us and uses us. Then we tend to get exalted because we have been used to feed so many. So He has to take us and break us again. And this process goes on all through life.

How we need to covet this brokenness. When a small atom is broken, what power is released! Then what power could be released if only the leaders in our churches and then the congregations were broken by God.

Zac Poonen

March 17, 2008



Two people can look at the same thing, at the same time, and see things differently.

An old table in a dumpster looks like trash to one, a treasure to another. One set of fans at a championship game will see triumph, the others tragedy.

On the Mount of Olives that first Palm Sunday -- two saw the same scene differently.

The disciples saw the triumph of the moment, while Jesus saw the tragedy. "As He approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it." Luke 19:41. Jesus saw tragedy that day, not triumph.

The tragedy had three parts.

First, the people wanted peace but did not know what would bring peace to them. True peace is found only in Jesus.

Second, they did not realize the destruction they faced. A few years later Rome captured Jerusalem, killing more than 600,000 people and destroying the temple. Jesus also knew that all face judgment unless they receive the forgiveness He can give.

Third, He wept because they did not "recognize the time of God's coming." v.44. God became a man and lived among us -- Immanuel! Yet many did not recognize that and instead they rejected Him.

A few days after Palm Sunday the cries of "Hosanna!" became "Crucify him!" Jesus wept because the people did not know peace, realize they faced destruction or recognize that He was God.

Do you have peace? It is found in Jesus.
He saves us from sin's power and penalty.
Recognize who Jesus is and receive Him as your Saviour today.



March 15, 2008

Will it make a Difference?

Will it make a Difference?

Matt. 25:40 I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.

Did you know that hundreds of orphaned bear cubs are shot every year, just to keep them from starving to death? Ever since the white man has encroached on bear territory, orphaned cubs have become a huge problem. Many mother bears are either hit by cars or shot by hunters each year, and because bear cubs are totally dependent upon their mothers, orphaned babies are left to the mercy of the wild. Most will either starve or fall victim to predators, and even to other bears.

Veterinarian Ken Macquisten had a burden on his heart for these cubs. He theorized that if orphaned bear cubs could be given a safe wilderness home to grow up in, with little or no human contact, they could be released back into the wild. He suggested that a three-strand electric fence could be stretched around approximately two acres of wilderness land rich in the food elements necessary for the survival of bears. Inside the fence, the bear cubs would be protected from predators while they learned to forage for food. He decided to test his idea with two orphans, Coola and Grinder.

Coola was found wandering aimlessly in Bella Coola, British Columbia after his mother was hit by a car. It isn't known what happened to Grinder's mother, but he was discovered alone and near the point of starvation near the Alberta-British Columbia border. Ken took these two orphans under his care until he had built their wilderness habitat in the Grouse Mountain Refuge for Endangered Wildlife near Vancouver, British Columbia, and then he released them into this area.

Unfortunately, by the time the experimental area was ready, Coola and Grinder had been with humans too long to ever be released into the wild; however, the experiment was a total success in every other way. When the cubs first arrived in their new habitat, they both weighed about 7 kg. ("By way of explanation - because there was no government authorized program to release captive raised orphan grizzlies at the time that Grinder and Coola became orphans, these two bears had no chance of being releasable in any event." Dr. Ken Macquisten). By the time their first winter arrived, Coola weighed 78 kg and Grinder 61 kg. They had both learned how to forage for food and how to do all the other things that bears need to survive. Most importantly, they proved that Ken's idea would work. Thanks to this successful experiment, the Canadian authorities now have an alternative for orphaned bear cubs.

It only took one man to make a difference in the survival of these abandoned cubs! Just one man!

Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the Western hemisphere, has an infant mortality of 7.6%! Because of a baby boom, almost half of its population is under 14 years of age, with the median age being 17. The average life expectancy is 51. If you ever visit this country, you will be in for a major shock. Crowds of people live either in the streets or in shacks that aren't fit for human occupation. Water mixed with human waste flows freely in the streets. Disease rampages out of control.

What can one do in such conditions?

Hands and Feet, an autonomous ministry founded by members of Audio Adrenaline and Flicker Records, came to the rescue of Haitian orphans to provide hope to future generations in Haiti. Their philosophy: "When we impact the lives of these orphans, we impact future leaders of communities, cities, and a nation. Touch a child and you can rescue a nation. It begins with the children. They need love, hugs, and a caring family - a home. Together we can change their world through God's love."

One little thing, yet what a difference it makes in the lives of those kids.

My question: What am I doing to make a difference in this world?

"No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us." (1 John 4:12 NIV)

May we learn to depend on God and let Him lead us in being part of His love-revolution. "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth." (John 16:13 NIV)

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matt 6:21 NIV)

Where is MY treasure?

It only takes one dedicated person to make a difference in this world. Will you be that one?

Rob Chaffart

March 14, 2008

The SIN of BATHsheba - An Address to Christian Women

The SIN of BATHsheba - An Address to Christian Women

This excellent article is a joint effort in sharing the thoughts of an insightful anonymous author. See below for a few comments from Christian women. If you and your family have a teachable spirit, you'll appreciate this article. The author has a perspective I hadn't thought of before. Now that I'm more aware I can't help but make a change. I hope you will gain a blessing by this article.

"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." John 15:5

Introductory Comments by another Brother in Christ: I did not author the following article, although I wish I had. However I felt the following perspective might be of help for those sincere Christians who will seriously take that information to heart.

There are two prime directives that exist in every living creature. 1. Survival. 2. Procreation. While the first deals primarily with the acquisition of food (appetite), the second deals exclusively with reproduction (sex).

God created each and every one of his creatures with these two prime directives perfectly in balance (and He saw that it was good). However, an enemy (the old devil) has spent his entire destructive energies toward perverting these two prime directives. Mankind was created in the image and likeness of God. It has always been Satan's design to bring man down from that high and noble position, to be nothing more than a brute beast. Has he accomplished that purpose by corrupting and perverting these two prime directives in mankind?

It is the case in nature, the animal kingdom, that instinct drives them to display themselves in such a manner as to attract a breeding mate. Is it possible that Satan has been so successful in bringing mankind down from (the image and likeness of God) that we are behaving towards each other in a manner which in reality is nothing less than an animalized fulfillment of the second prime directive. An organ in the brain, the hypothalamus, controls many functions of the body. It is interesting that this organ controls 1. Appetite and 2. Sex drive. Where you see one malfunction concerning this organ you will very likely see the other. What have we done with God's body, the temple of His Holy Spirit? May He have mercy on us. Jesus can help us, but it will not be without pain. Please read the following article very prayerfully!

Your brother in the tender love of Jesus the Christ

2 Samuel 11:2
An Address to Christian Women - By a Brother in Christ

We hear a great deal about the sin of David, but seldom does anyone mention the sin of Bathsheba. And it is true enough that David's sin was very great and Bathsheba's very small. David's sin was deliberate and presumptuous, Bath-Sheba's only a sin of ignorance.

David committed adultery and murder; Bath-Sheba only carelessly and un-designedly exposed herself before David's eyes. We have no doubt that David's sin was great and Bath-Sheba's small. Yet it remains a fact that Bath-Sheba's little sin was the cause of David's great sin. Her little sin of ignorance, her little thoughtless and careless exposure of herself, was the spark that kindled a great devouring flame. "Behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth!" On the one side, only a little carelessness - only a little thoughtless, unintentional exposure of herself before the eyes of David. But on the other side, adultery and guilt of conscience; murder and the loss of a husband, besides the death in battle of other innocent men; great occasion for the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme; the shame of an illegitimate pregnancy, and the death of the child; the uprising and death of Absalom; the defiling of David's wives in the sight of all Israel; the sword never departing from David's house (II Samuel 12:11-18).

Again I say, "Behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth!" None of this great evil would ever have taken place if Bath-Sheba had only been careful not to display her body in the sight of a man. Observe: she neither designed nor foresaw any of this evil, yet she was the occasion of it all. She did not display herself purposely or wantonly: she did it only ignorantly and thoughtlessly. Yet the results of her little sin of ignorance were just the same as if it had been purposeful wantonness.

Now the reason for my writing all of the above is this: there are many Christian women today who are guilty of the same carelessness as Bathsheba was. Godly women, who would recoil with horror from the very thought of wantonly displaying their bodies, do nevertheless carelessly and thoughtlessly display themselves habitually, by the manner in which they dress. I do not write to accuse them of intentional wantonness. I believe they are as innocent of that as Bath-Sheba was. But neither can I altogether excuse them from blame in the matter. The whole world is well aware that certain kinds of feminine dress are provocative and tempting to the eyes and heart of a man - and are Christian women alone altogether naive and ignorant? This can hardly be; and yet I do not write to blame you, but to instruct you - to provoke you to love and good works, to make you thoughtful where you have been thoughtless before, to make you careful for the spiritual welfare of the weakest of your brethren, where you were careless about it before, to make you wise where before you were simple.

The first thing that must be understood is that nakedness before the eyes of others is wrong. It is wrong in a man, and it is wrong in a woman. When Adam and Eve sinned, "God made coats of skins, and clothed them". The sole reason for his clothing them was to cover their nakedness, as the Genesis account makes plain. Observe, he clothed them with coats. They were already wearing aprons, which probably covered as much as, or more than, much of the clothing that is worn today. Yet, in spite of their aprons, they were still naked in their own eyes and God's.

And God did not clothe them with shorts, or swimming suits, or tank tops, or "halter" tops, or anything of the sort - not with jackets, either, but with coats, long coats, or robes as the word might be properly translated .Observe further, he "clothed them with coats. He did not clothe Eve with a coat, and Adam with a pair of shorts. He clothed them both with coats - whence we may assuredly gather that nakedness is just as wrong in a man as it is in a woman.

But if it is equally wrong for a man to expose his nakedness as it is for a woman, it is not equally dangerous, for the passions of women are not so easily or thoroughly aroused by the sight of a man's body and many women affirm that the sight does not arouse them at all. A man may therefore (though he ought not to) go three-fourths naked, and not do so much damage by it. But when a woman exposes herself only a little, she becomes a fiery dart to tempt the heart of every man who sees her. Like it or not, this is the plain fact. And because this is a fact, you are not at liberty to dress any way you please.

"What? Know ye not your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body. "as well as your spirit. (I Cor. 6:19-20)

But if you dress in such a way as to expose your body, or parts of it, to the lustful gaze of every man who chooses to look at you, you certainly do not glorify God in your body. And if you fear God and love your neighbor, you dare not dress so. You dare not use the temple of the Holy Ghost as an instrument of unrighteousness to allure the eyes and tempt the hearts and tantalize the passions of men.

Many men are wicked and will lust after you in spite of anything you can do to prevent it. They have "eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin" (II Pet. 2:14). Should you therefore help them to sin? Should you put further temptation in their way? Will God excuse you if you do? Other men, godly men, are not wicked, but only weak. David was not wicked. He was a man after God's own heart. But in the presence of an unclothed woman, he was weak - and it would be a rare man who was not. Brethren in Christ are not wicked, but they may be weak. And the devil does all he can do to weaken them further. They are forced to live in a world where they are continually bombarded with sights which are designed by the enemy of their souls to weaken their morals and destroy their purity of heart.

And must Christian women help the devil do his work? Must they make themselves a temptation to their brethren even in the congregation of God? Oh, that you could understand the fierce and bitter conflict in the souls of your brethren, when you arouse their desires by the careless display of your feminine beauty. Oh, that you could hear their pleadings with God for help and deliverance from the power of these temptations. Oh that you could see their tears of shame and repentance when the temptation has overcome them, and they have sinned with eyes and heart and mind. Never again would you plead for your right to dress as you please.

The fact is, you have no such right. You have no right to destroy by your careless dress the brother for whom Christ died. You are bought with a price, and you are not your own. You are duty-bound to glorify God in your body - to clothe that body, not as you will, but as God wills. And a little of real love for the souls of your brethren would remove for ever from your heart the desire to dress as you please. For, "We then that are strong ought to bear with the Infirmities [that is, weaknesses] of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification. For even Christ pleased not himself, but as it is written, "the reproaches of them that reproached thee fell upon me". (Rom. 15:1-3) Christ was willing to deny himself all the glories of heaven, and bear all the reproaches of the ungodly for your sake, in order to save your soul, and will you plead for your right to please yourself in your dress? Can you not deny yourself a little of comfort to save another man's soul? Can you not bear a little reproach for being "old-fashioned" or "out of style", in order to help your brother in his battle against sin?

You may think I'm making too much of too little. You may suppose the case is not so serious as I have represented it to be. But consider: you are a woman, and cannot experience the passions of a man. You have your own passions, but they are not the same as a man's. They are (generally speaking) not so strong as a man's. Neither are they so easily excited or inflamed as a man's. Nor are they excited in the same manner as a man's. If you would understand the workings of a man's passions towards a woman, you must take a man's word for it. You cannot experience it yourself. And the plain fact is, a man's passions are easily excited by the sight of woman's body, as was plainly the case with David and Bathsheba, when he beheld her washing herself. Most men, 'tis true, will be better able to resist your allurement than David did Bathsheba's. They will not go so far as to seduce or rape you. But how do you know that they can resist the thought and desire of it? How do you know they do not sin with their eyes and heart and imagination? There is great pleasure to a man in merely looking and lusting, even though he goes no farther. You know very well the Bible says, "Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery already with her in his heart"(Matt. 5:28), and will you say that this is not a serious matter? It is serious, for it is sin, and sin is serious.

Sin blights and deforms and ruins and destroys and damns. And if you would know just how serious a matter this is, you need only read the next verse, which says, "if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee; for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body be cast into hell". Here is probably the most solemn statement in the Bible concerning the seriousness of sin, and it is spoken with reference to the very sin, which you may so lightly and thoughtlessly occasion by your careless dress.

This is not a light matter and you dare not treat it lightly. At this point, you may say, "Amen: all true, but I do not need to hear it, for I dress modestly". Are you quite sure of it? If you follow the practices and fashions of this age, you assuredly do not dress modestly, for modesty is ignored by many of them, and purposely thrown to the wind by many others. And it may be that you, being a woman, and not able to see yourself through a man's eyes, are unable to perceive that which may really be tempting and provocative in your own dress.

God would have you to be "as wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matt. 10:16). But if you unthinkingly dress as the rest of the world does, you are assuredly neither wise nor harmless. Not wise, for however ignorant and innocent you may be, you are following a system of fashion which is designed by wicked men and devils to break down and destroy the morals of men. Not harmless, for however little you may intend it, you thus make yourself a fiery dart in the hands of the wicked one to tempt every man who sees you. You will pardon my plain speaking then, if I give you some specific instructions in order to make you wise. That being done, I have confidence that the godliness of your own heart will make you harmless.

As said before, the obvious design of God in making clothes for Adam and Eve was to cover their nakedness, and any clothing which fails to do so cannot be right. Bare backs, bare midriffs, bare legs and thighs, are wrong wrong in the sight of that God who clothed Adam and Eve with coats to cover their bare bodies. Shorts, halter tops, swimming suits, and anything and everything else which intentionally leave you partially nude, have no place in the dress of a woman professing godliness. Whatever the rest of the world may do, you are bound to do right. And whatever the rest of the church may do, you are bound to do right. And the things, which I just mentioned, are so obvious and so flagrant a violation of the purpose of God in clothing you, that there ought not to be a moment's question as to what is right. But (alas) the standards of the church are sunk so low in our day that there are actually Christians and preachers who will defend such things. They will actually defend what is called "mixed bathing" - that is, men and women freely mixing together in almost a state of nudity. Have they no shame? Have they no sense? I do not believe they will defend such things when they stand before the judgment seat of Christ. If they have no shame now, they will have some then. Meanwhile, we will say no more about forms of dress which so obviously thwart the purpose of God. Let us turn our thoughts to some things which, while less flagrant, nevertheless violate the evident purpose of clothing.

Short dresses

You need no one to tell you that these are wrong. The whole world knows they are provocative to a man's eyes. But women who profess godliness, women who ought to know better, will simply follow the current fashions of the world, long or short, without any reference to what is right. Others will quibble about how short is too short. Rather than making very sure their dresses are plenty long, they will make them as short as they dare, while still persuading themselves they are long enough. You may stand at attention in front of your mirror, and persuade yourself that your too-short dress reveals nothing, but only let you sit down, only let you bend over, only let you get in or out of a car, and what a spectacle of nudity you present. And whether you design it or not, and whether you like it or not, those nude legs and thighs of yours are provocation to lust in the eyes of men.

For the same reason you ought to have nothing to do with those skirts which are slit half-way up the sides. Who cannot see the design of such a fashion is to expose your thighs to view? Or is it to enable you to walk? So much the worse if it is. If your skirt is so tight, that you cannot walk without cutting the sides, by all means throw it away, and get something with a little more material. We shall have more to say about tight clothing later on.

Do you ask how long your dresses out to be? See that your legs are well covered below the knee, front and back, while you are bending over and sitting down, and you will be safe enough. But be careful here: it is not enough that your legs should be covered only from the vantage point of your own eyeballs. When you bend over or sit down, the front of your dress will be naturally hang lower, so as to cover more of your legs, but the back will be drawn up so as to cover less. Very often I have seen women sit down and carefully arrange the front of their skirt so as to cover the topside of their thighs from their own view, while leaving the sides and undersides of their thighs completely exposed to the view of anyone sitting across from them. And this will be unavoidable if your dresses are so short that they only cover you down to the knees while you are standing erect. If you would be safe, your dresses should cover you well below the knee in all postures.

Low Necklines

Again, the whole world knows very well that these are a great temptation to the eyes of a man. And if you are a godly woman, no doubt you would never dream of purposely wearing a neckline too low. But you may be doing it nevertheless, through thoughtlessness or ignorance. It is not only low necklines which offend, but also large or loose ones. You stand erect in front of your mirror wearing a large or loose neckline, and think it perfectly modest. But only bend over a little, so that the material of your blouse falls away from your body, and immediately the most provocative and tempting part of your anatomy is exposed to the view of any man who happens to be standing in front of you.

The same is true, of course, when you dress with the top two or three of your buttons of your blouse unbuttoned. This looks provocative, even if nothing were actually exposed by it. This looks seductive. It looks to a man as though you must design to expose yourself and tantalize his passions. What else can he think? For what other purpose could you leave two or three buttons of your blouse unbuttoned? Do you say it is for comfort? Because you cannot bear a tight , choking collar? I believe you could learn to bear it as the men of the world do in order to display their stylish neckties.

But waive that. It may be legitimate to leave your blouse open at the neck for comfort's sake, and it may even be modest (depending upon the garment), provided you unbutton one button only. There can be no possible reason or excuse for leaving two or three buttons open. It will not add to your comfort. It is simply following a wicked fashion of a wicked world. Your collar will no more choke you with one button open than it will with three. One button open will always be a great plenty for comfort's sake, and with some blouses it will be too much. If you can leave your top button open, yet not expose your breasts when you bend over and the material of your blouse falls away from your bosom, very well.

This may depend upon the nature of the blouse, as well as the size of your bust. But if there is any danger of exposing yourself, you had better button all your buttons. You might set the top button down an inch or so, and make another buttonhole for it, and thus provide for both comfort and modesty. You can scarcely be too careful here, for there is no part of a woman's body so alluring to a man as her breasts, and when a man sees a woman with the top two or three of her buttons open, he will probably conclude it is her intention to tempt and tantalize men. Is this the impression you wish to give? If not, button your buttons, snap your snaps, and zip your zippers. And if you happen to bend over a little in front of a man, and he sees your breasts actually exposed because of your large, loose, low, or open necklines, unless he is a very rare man, he will be tantalized by the sight, whatever you may think or intend.

Therefore you cannot do as the rest of the world does. Let your neckline be high enough and small enough to in fact be a neckline, and not a chest or shoulder line, and you will be safe. Note well: this means if the neck hole of your garment is large enough to slip over your head, it is probably too large. Your necklines should be of the sort that you can close up with buttons or snaps after you put the garment on.

Sleeveless Blouses

Sleeveless blouses always reveal too much. Little as you may be able to understand it, your underarms, and the parts of your chest or back which immediately adjoin them, are very attractive to a man; and a sleeveless blouse cannot help but display these parts. You must also bear in mind that others will see you at all angles and in all positions, and the armholes of a sleeveless blouse will often allow a man to see inside of the blouse, especially when your arms are uplifted or outstretched, thus displaying part of your chest, and probably some of your breast.

The same is true of a short sleeved blouse which has very large or loose sleeves. This may be perfectly modest as long as you keep your elbows at your sides, but as soon as you raise your arms, you create an opening through which a man may see inside your blouse, and this is a great snare to his heart. Remember you are a woman, and cannot see yourself as a man sees you. I am a man, and know what it is to be tempted by such sights. And if only the weakest of your brethren might be tempted by your sleeveless or loose-sleeve blouses, ought you not deny yourself a little of comfort or of fashion, and conceal your body a little better for his good?

Sheer clothing

It ought to be unnecessary to say anything about clothing, which is so light or sheer that a man may see through it. The obvious and undeniable purpose of such clothing is to thwart the purpose of clothing, and expose your body rather than covering it. This you cannot help but realize. Everyone else knows it also, and when a man sees you thus attired, what can he think but that is your intention to display your body in his sight? And yet are so low the standards in the church today that it is not uncommon to see Christian women wearing see-through clothing. If you have been guilty of this, your first business is to repent to reject anything which is obviously and purposely sheer. You ought to be careful also not to wear any material which is so light or so thin that it may be seen through when you are in direct light, such as in front of a window. Finally, reject any material of a very coarse weave: wear clothing, not netting.

Tight clothing

Dress which explicitly reveals your form is as bad as that which reveals your nakedness. The whole world knows that such dress is provocative notoriously and proverbially so and when a man sees a woman dressed in tight clothing that reveals and displays every curve of her form his passions will certainly be excited by the sight - perhaps not so quickly or strongly as they would be by the sight of your naked form, but excited nonetheless. The world calls tight clothing "revealing", which is exactly what it is and as such it is an obvious violation of the purpose of God in clothing you. Every woman who professes godliness, therefore, ought religiously to refuse every form of dress which reveals and displays her figure. Specifically, you should avoid sweater, sweat shirts, tee shirts, and anything made of knit, stretchy, or soft, clinging material, unless perhaps the fit is very loose.

Woven material, with some stiffness and body to it, will conceal your form much better. This is of the utmost importance, especially for a woman who is large in the bust. There is no sight on earth which will surely attract a man's eyes, and so quickly inflame his passions, as the sight of a woman's breasts - whether they are actually exposed, or their form displayed by tight or clinging clothing. This is a fact which the world knows very well. Twenty-five years ago the world was singing a popular song about the pleasure of seeing a woman in a sweater and a tight skirt. Now the natures of man and woman have not changed in twenty-five years. When a man looks at you he should see your clothing, and not the shape and form of everything which is inside it. Sweaters, tee shirts, and knit blouses in their very nature cling to your body and reveal and display the shape and form of it. And you must take a man's word for it that the shape and form of a woman's body, even though it is covered with clothing, will draw his eyes, inflame his passions, or arouse his imagination, just about as quickly and surely as the sight of her actual skin. I do not say it is impossible for a woman to wear a sweater or knit shirt which is not too revealing. What I do say is that the sweaters and knit tops which American women usually wear are almost always too tight. They might do better if they would wear their sweaters several sizes larger than they usually do. A woman who is very small in the bust may fairly easily wear sweaters which are loose enough to conceal her form, but the larger her breasts are, the more difficult this will become. A woman who is large in the bust had best avoid knit clothing altogether.

She will have a hard enough time of it to conceal her form without wearing sweaters. I cannot emphasize this too much, or insist upon it too strongly. A woman especially a woman who is large in the bust must understand, must take a man's word for it, that the sight of her bust may take away a man's heart in a moment. If she would please her God and help her brother in this fight against sin, she must dress in such a way as to hide and conceal the form of her breasts. She must therefore wear loose-fitting blouses of woven (not stretchy or knit) material. If she wishes to wear a sweater for warmth, she can easily wear a loose cotton blouse over (not under it), and be warmer yet. True this would not be stylish, but no matter about that. I am writing for godly women, who would rather please God than the world. Understand also that you will accomplish little by exchanging tight sweaters for tight blouses. A blouse of woven material in its very nature will conceal your form better than a sweater, but it may still be provocative enough if it is too tight. You ladies who are overweight often offend in this, by wearing the same clothes you would if you were twenty or thirty pounds lighter. And it is nothing but foolish pride, which keeps you from wearing a larger size.

Your blouse should never be stretched tight across your bosom, but should have enough slack in the fit that when a man looks at you he sees the blouse, and not the form of what is inside of it. For this reason you should also learn to avoid provocative positions and postures. By this I mean any position which makes your bust prominent, or stretches your clothing tight over it - such as standing with your hands on your hips and your elbows thrown back, or yawning and stretching with your back arched. You should likewise refuse dresses with what is called and "empress waistline" which girds the garment around your body immediately below the bust, instead of at the waist. The unavoidable effect of this is to prominently display your bust. Again I tell you, I am a man, and know very well what it is to be tempted by such sights and it may take only a moment's involuntary sight to turn a man's heart into the wrong channels.


Here we have come to a bone of contention which divides churches, families, and friends. The background is this: historically in our culture, the men have worn pants, and the women dresses. This is an undisputed fact, which is embodied in the proverbial expression that a wife who runs the house "wears the pants in the family". The "women's liberation movement", which is more than a century old, has sought to put the pants on all the women, figuratively speaking. It has sought to "liberate" the woman from her God-appointed place of subjection to the man, and to give her "equal rights" to do whatever the man may do. The spirit of this movement has also put upon the woman's body the man's clothing namely slacks. And the church has followed the world in so doing. Many of the older and stricter men of God, less influenced by the world themselves, take a strong stand against women wearing pants. Slacks, they say, are men's clothing, and (on the basis of Deut. 22:5) it is an abomination for a woman to wear them.

The younger set, most of whom have grown up wearing slacks themselves, and who probably know nothing of the historical background of the question, can see no point in the stand which their elders take, and so regard it as narrow-minded and petty. "The slacks which I wear", they say, "were made for women and are not men's clothing".

On the one side it may be urged that God made neither slacks for Adam, nor a dress for Eve, but coats for both of them. Yet Deut. 22:5 certainly assumes that the same clothing is not to be worn by both men and women, and it is also certain that historically in our country the slacks have been the men's clothing. Or it may be urged that the culture has changed, so that slacks are now acceptable clothing for women also. Yet when we consider the sinister forces which have wrought to change this culture, we may plead that the change is in no way recognized by God, but is an abomination to Him. I say no more than this, for it is outside the purpose of this article to settle this controversy. I do not ask here, is it wrong in the eyes of God to wear slacks? I ask, what effect are her slacks likely to have on the eyes of men?

And first, in their very nature, slacks are apt to reveal and display your form. Women contend for modest slacks, but who wears them? In the very nature of the case, it is difficult to make a pair of modest slacks (especially for a woman who has a full figure), and as a matter of fact, it is an extremely rare thing to see a woman in slacks which are not too tight. Why is this? Why may men wear slacks which fit loosely, while the slacks of women must cling to every inch of their thighs and hips and buttocks and crotch? Verily it is because the god of this world who inspires these styles, and he knows his business only too well. He knows only too well that it is a snare to a man's heart to have displayed before his eyes the form of a woman's thighs and buttocks and crotch.

Your crotch your "private part" you ought to by all means keep carefully concealed at all times, and there is nothing that will do it so well as a dress. A loose-fitting skirt or dress, provided it is not too short, is also the best possible clothing with which to conceal all of the tempting parts of the anatomy which reside between your waist and your knees. But some women suppose that because their slacks are not skintight, they are therefore modest. Well, now, suppose that your slacks are loose enough that they leave a little space between the material and your skin. Still they basically display the form of your legs and thighs and buttocks. This is the nature of the garment and can hardly be avoided. And further, as soon as you bend over, or sit and squat, those "modest" slacks of yours will be stretched just as tight over parts of your form as the skintight slacks which other women wear.

So unless you are so thin that you have no form with which to attract a man, or so fat that your form will only disgust him (and you are no competent judge of this), you had best leave slacks alone. Though you may not be able to understand it (for the sight of a man will probably not affect you in the same way), it is the sight of the form which will arouse a man's passions. What a man's touch is to a woman, the sight of a woman is to a man. This is plain enough in the Bible account of David and Bathsheba, and every honest man will tell you the same thing. You must believe it on the word of a man, though you may not be able to understand it. The sight of the form of your thighs and buttocks and crotch will tempt the heart of a man, and it is the nature of slacks to display the form of those parts. Some, who believe it is wrong for a woman to wear slacks, but who wish to accommodate their ladies for more masculine type activities, recommend the wearing of culottes, which are a sort of a cross between a skirt and slacks. Our only question concerning them is, are they modest or immodest? They may be either, depending upon several things. If they are fashioned so as to look like a loose-fitting skirt, or are long enough, they may be as modest as a skirt. Unfortunately, many of them more nearly resemble slacks, or even shorts, than a skirt. If yours are long enough and loose enough to keep you covered and concealed in all postures, they may be as acceptable as a modest skirt.

Enough for specific instructions. We must next answer some objections.

First: "What right has this fellow to prescribe all of these legalistic rules for women?" I answer, if we lived without sin in the garden of Eden, you could dress just as you please, or not dress at all, and hurt no one by it. But in this world you cannot, and if you do, you will only be contributing to swell the tide of sin. I write for godly women, who want to do what is right, but who are not likely to know how without some instruction from a man. I seek only to give you some instruction, which only a man can give, concerning the effects your dress will have on the men who see you. And I suppose that truly godly women will be happy to receive such instruction. It is usually the worldly, who are not willing to do right at any cost, who raise the cry of legalism.

But "This is a small matter, and not worthy of so much ado". We ought to be occupied with the weightier matters of the heart, and not make such a fuss over little outward things". This may be an outward thing, but it is not a little one. Can you read Matthew 5:28-29, and yet contend that this is a small matter?

But suppose it is a little matter: can you therefore lightly pass over it, or ignore it? Not so, for "he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much, and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much". (Luke 16:10) The Lord does not rebuke the Jews for attending to the small matters, but only because they did so to the neglect of the weightier matters. "These (the weightier matters) ye ought to have done, and not to leave the other (the small matters) undone." (Luke 11:42)

But, "Any man who views women so must be perverted". Yes: be it known to you that men are perverted. All men. We are sinners. Our pristine purity is lost, and our hearts are natural and strongly inclined to sin, and especially the sin of lust. Sin easily besets us. (Heb.12:1) But understand, though all men are perverted from their original purity, and though the passions of all men (except those who are perverted in a worse way) are alike in this matter, I would not want to leave you with the impression that the practices of all men are alike, or with feelings of uneasiness in the presence of men. If you but dress right and act right, and associate with the right kind of men, in the right kind of situations, there will be little occasion for you to be uneasy or uncomfortable. But there will be plenty of occasion for you to be careful, even in the presence of the best men. Why? Because though the godly "have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts"(Gal.5:24), have renounced the unlawful indulgence of those desires yet the desires themselves remain. It is in the godly that "the flesh lusteth against the Spirit" (vs. 17).

Men may strive hard to mortify those passions, but it is a matter of plain historical fact, attested also by virtually universal experience, that the most sincere and diligent endeavors to mortify those passions are usually not very successful. The most of men, even the best of men, are likely to be overcome by those passions. It was a man of God who was overcome by the allurement of Bathsheba. And since those passions are usually not to be subdued by mortification, God himself prescribes a more effectual method, which is satisfaction. "It is better to marry than to burn"(1 Cor. 7:9) "To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband" (vs.2) He advises further, that being married, we could in moderation, indulge in the satisfaction of those passions, "that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency" (vs. 5).

"Incontinency" is lack of self-control. It is, in plain English, the lack of ability to control those passions. And Paul, writing by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, simply assumes that even the godly are likely to be "incontinent" when it comes to the matter of sexual desire. And history and experience unite to prove that many of the godliest of men - including men who are godly and married have a very hard struggle against the unlawful indulgence of those passions, in look or in thought.

Why is this? I believe it is most often to be accounted for in the fact that their passions have never been laid to rest by the satisfaction which marriage is designed to give them. Their own marriage, for whatever reason, is not what a marriage is designed to be. Mere physical gratification can never satisfy the heart of a man (any more than it can the heart of a woman). For a man to be fully satisfied, and his passions fixed upon an object, and so be laid to rest, he must be "ravished always with LOVE" (Prov. 5:19).And yet if you go through life with your eyes open, you must be well aware that this ravishing love is the very thing, which is missing in many marriages among both the godly and ungodly. Some have been led to marry without ever possessing that kind of love in the first place. Others had it when they married, but from various causes have lost it. Now whether you wish to pity such persons, or blame them, or both, the fact will still remain that there are many marriages, which fall short of providing that ravishing romantic fulfillment which will satisfy a man's passions and lay them to rest.

And it is another fact that a man who finds himself in such a position, however he may have gotten there, will have a very bitter struggle to try to subdue those passions, which are still longing for fulfillment, but cannot obtain it.

Proverbs 5:19 says, "let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou always ravished with her love." There are two kinds of satisfaction spoken of here, the one "by her breasts" and the other "by her love". The former is obviously physical, the latter is, for lack of a better term, emotional. The first engages the body; the second engages the soul. Every normal man's sexual desires embrace both of these things. (And so, by the way, do every normal woman's. The physical desires may often predominate in men, while the emotional may predominate in women; but neither man nor woman can be satisfied without the fulfillment of both).

No man's passions are ever satisfied and laid to rest until he possesses both of these things together, in the same woman. You know very well that the most ravishing love on earth will never satisfy a man until he actually possesses the object of his affections in physical lovemaking. But it is equally true that physical gratification alone, without a deep and delightful romantic love, will ever satisfy a man either. He must have both together. If he lacks one or the other (or both) he will find his passions still persistently longing for fulfillment, in spite of all his endeavors to subdue them. And those desires are easily excited by the sight of the feminine form. The battle is a hard one, and a man who is very strong spiritually, but who lacks the fulfillment of those desires, may in fact fare worse in the struggle than a much weaker man who has found the fulfillment which every man craves. David, we know, was a man of God, and through out the Old Testament histories, he is held up as a standard of godliness by which all of his successors are judged. But the fact that he took many wives is a pretty sure indicator that he never found that complete satisfaction in ONE, which every man craves, and which is the strength of every man who possesses it. Therefore his desires still burned, and David was weak.

To return to the original question: whether men are "perverted" or not is really beside the point. How far his desires are normal and right, or how far they are the result of his sinfulness, may be difficult to determine. But what difference does it make? You must deal with the facts as they are, not as you wish they were. The real facts are: many men do not possess the ravishing romantic fulfillment, which they cannot help but crave, and they are therefore weak, and easily tempted by the sight of the feminine form. Suppose that some men are so strong, or so fully satisfied in their own marriage, that you could not tempt them if you would, what then? The fact remains that many men are weak and unsatisfied and burning. With the strong you need not concern yourself, but you are bound by duty (as you ought to be moved by love) to "bear the weaknesses of the weak" yes, even of the weakest and NOT to put stumbling blocks in their way. (Rom.15:1)

But "If a man looks on me to lust, that is his sin, not mine". Nay - "Now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat [or thy dress] for whom Christ died... It is good neither to eat flesh, nor drink wine, nor any thing which thy brother stumbleth or is offended and made weak". (Rom. 14:15, 21) David was made weak, David was made to stumble, by Bathsheba's careless exposure of herself, and your display of your feminine beauty will have the same effect upon your brethren.

After reading this article you can hardly plead that you do not know this, and "to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin" (James 4:17). If you were completely ignorant of the effects your dress might have upon a man, you might dress as you please without sin, but not otherwise. Every man is fully responsible for his own sin, but you will certainly be held in some sense responsible for another man's sin, if you provoke him to it. To Ezekiel, God said, "When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand" (Ezekiel 33:8). The wicked is fully responsible for his own sin, and shall surely die for it. But the watchman is held accountable also, merely because he failed to do what he could have done to turn the other man from sin. How much more will you be held accountable if you put stumbling blocks in another man's way, and actually provoke him to sin?

But "If I were to follow all of these instructions, I would have to buy a whole new wardrobe, and that I cannot afford". My sister, you can not afford to sin. If you are a real Christian, you came to Christ resolving to forsake every sin, and do the whole will of God, at any cost. If you have a will to do right - you will find a way - or cry to God to provide one. You can afford to change the way you dress. You cannot afford to sin, or to provoke others to sin. But" I am not attractive or shapely. No man is likely to be tempted by the sight of me. Therefore I may dress as I please". In the first place, you are no proper judge of what is attractive to a man. It is of course true that a shapely and beautiful woman is more likely to be a temptation to a man than a plain woman, but it is also true that a woman who is not attractive to one man will probably be to another, and even the homeliest will attract somebody. But just suppose that you are actually so ugly that no man would ever look twice at you. What about your example to other women? What about your example to babes in Christ, who have dressed improperly through all their ungodly life, and who may now be looking to you to teach them and lead them in the right way? Do you want them to look at you, and excuse their own improper dress on the basis of your example?

Finally, some women are so naive, so ignorant of the nature of men, that they suppose that because no men are actually making advances or propositions to them, they must be no temptation to any man. Let them understand that a man derives great pleasure – sinful pleasure - from looking at women, from looking at any and every attractive woman. Why do you suppose that men spend millions of dollars a year for pornographic pictures? Let the pictures be left out of the pornographic magazines, and see how many copies they would sell! What pleasure is there which prompt men to continually purchase at so great an expense? What pleasure can pictures afford them, except the pleasure of looking? It is looking at a woman's body, which inflames a man's passions and regales his imagination, and there is great pleasure in that looking.

Most men will freely indulge in that pleasure, with little or no restraint. They will feast their eyes upon the feminine form wherever they may find it, and this of course will include your form if you dress so as to expose and display it. Godly men will recognize that pleasure as sinful, except when it is confined to their own wife, and they will fight hard to resist the temptation and conquer the sin. But because of the extreme strength and intensity of the male passions, they find this to be a very hard battle. The spirit is willing, but in the face of strong and continual temptations, the flesh is weak. To will is present with them, but sometimes how to perform they find not. In spite of all their determination and praying and striving, they may find their eyes seemingly involuntarily drawn to the sight of a beautiful and shapely woman, and a moment's involuntary sight may be enough to take the heart away.

A man who has gained some mastery over this kind of temptation may easily resist the initial onslaught, but constant exposure to such allurements may weaken and break down even the strongest. Therefore we are told to "flee youthful lusts"(II Tim. 2:22) to flee from the very presence of such temptations. but whither shall we flee in this wicked world? Must we flee from the very congregation of God in order to keep our hearts pure? Shame! Shame! If we cannot find a safe asylum there!

To conclude: there is nothing at all evil or wrong about your physical beauty. It is the creation of God, and is, like all that He has created, "very good". It was designed by God for a specific purpose: the woman was made "for the man"(1 Cor. 11:9) The perfectly obvious design of your beauty is to ravish and satisfy the heart of a man but a man, not of every man. If God has joined you to that one man, then by all means give that beauty to him with all your heart, and say to him, "make hast my beloved, and be thou like to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices" (Song of Solomon 8:14). Let him be, as God commands him, satisfied with you at all times, and always ravished with your love (Prov. 5:19). Thus satisfied, he will be the less susceptible to the beauty of charms of other women. Thus used, the beauty of your body will glorify the God who gave it to you, and serve the man for who it was given. But if you put it on display and prostitute it to the gaze of the whole world, you only glorify yourself and serve the devil.

Postscript: If you are as most woman are, much of the material in this article may be new and strange to you. You may not be able to understand it, and may be reluctant to believe it. Some of the woman who have read the manuscript can scarcely be persuaded to believe that the male passions are as I have represented them, but the men to whom I have submitted it, have fully endorsed it. One of them (a godly man, and a preacher) said, "I wish I had about 2 million copies". I beg you therefore to believe these things, though you may not be able to understand them. Secondly, I beg you not to be content with a single reading of this paper, but rather to study it thoroughly several times through, so that you may fully grasp and remember all that it says. Then, by all means, act upon what it teaches you. And finally, do everything in your power to teach all these things to your sisters in Christ. In doing so you will very much oblige,

Your Brothers in Christ.

Notice: This may be freely photocopied and distributed. Every soul in every conference, in every part of the Lord's vineyard, has the privilege of knowing the truth. But truth is not truth to those who do not practice it. Truth is only truth to you when you live it in daily life, showing the world what those people must be who are at last saved. GCB, April 3, 1901 par. 10


Dear brother,
Could you please forward my response to the author of the above mentioned article. I am writing to you as a woman, as a Christian woman (of the age 28). As I was reading your article one thing echoed in my mind: this is what we need. Finally someone (and luckily not a woman but a man) has put down these true statements properly formulated / compiled. I must tell you, as a woman, that every single female creature if having some intellect knows exactly why she chooses a certain style of dress and what the consequences might be (even if it is only a tiny temptation aroused in a man, any man). I must also agree with you that women cannot attain such wisdom unless they ask it from God and allow themselves to be led by the Spirit to know what is right. Plus the fact that today the selection of clothing is so wide that no one can find any excuse not to find the best garment (bearing in mind all those principles you listed). I need to add though that I am not innocent either as far as being ignorant. It is so easy just to put on something and rush to work (to the company of men). But as you said if we have our wardrobe changed according to God's Word, no worries whatever we find in it in the morning.

I lived in several countries in Europe and I see the same trap everywhere that Satan sets up in the area of clothing. I also noticed that many, many un-Christian women dress more modestly than the so called Christian ones. And even if we do not like to talk about such issues one great responsibility, still rests upon OUR shoulders: this you also mentioned and that is the example we give to our children and those around us.

To sum it up: it is a shame on us that as you said our churches are not even right in this area. I remember going to church with my husband and telling him how sorry I felt for all men present because of some really ignorant young women who dressed the way they did. We all have a lot to learn still but I hope we (especially women) will take it seriously and not found wanting in the judgment. I will translate your article into the language of the country I live at the moment and distribute it amongst the teachable spirits. Hope the people of God will wake up. God bless you for your honest and loving remarks and instructions. Your sister in Christ. – BW
I myself made the switch to 'modest apparel' a few years ago – God guided me and I sort of developed my own style. It is a variety of the original reform dress - I found it to suit me - and I don't impose it on anyone else. I often wear slacks with a dress over - at least knee-length. I am warm and secure in any position this way - I love it! Women are really fooling themselves sometimes - I heard a talk show briefly years ago - and these almost bare women were dancing on tables and sticking their whatever right in the face of men and they were complaining that some of the men grabbed them or pinched them!!! They were calling the men pigs for this - I was wondering who the 'pigs' really were! Of course that is an extreme example - but this article shows the blindness of women. - TC
Dear brother,
I enjoyed your article very much. I think if women followed these principles the world would be a lot safer to live in. The world would be a lot better without women's careless and the Hollywood movie perversion... not to mention the internet which unfortunately has wonderful reasons to exist and also horrifying reasons to be destroyed... Because of all these, our teens and children have to live in fear for sex offenders, when they step out of their homes. – CC
Thank you for this article...
I have always tried to be modest since I have come back to the Lord but I didn't understand my duty to my husband. I have often felt concerned about whether it was appropriate to "fulfill" his need to see me, for want of a better phrase and wondered whether his needs for fulfillment in the bedroom were offensive to God...

This article has really helped me with this issue as well as with the clothing modesty issue. - CN
Thank you so much for forwarding that article. I had my husband print it off as I don't like reading off the screen for any length of time and we discussed it over breakfast. It re-alerted us to something over which we were challenged many years ago before our four children (3 girls and 1 boy, now adult) were married. They all felt strongly about modesty but it caused irritations and controversy amongst other fellowships - the arguments the brother mentioned in the article were all thrust at us. However, we maintained our stand and the girls especially got a lot of ridicule. The youngest girl, Ruth, refused to wear the regulation school skirt which was just above the knee and I made her a longer and fuller skirt for which she got into trouble with the teachers and the other children mocked her. But she gritted her teeth and carried on regardless and of course they accepted it in the end because kids can't keep that up for long! We have emailed the article to all our family as we feel that some things have slipped over the years and we need to re-assess again.

This world has an invidious way of encroaching on even those who wish to be modest. Swimming is one of those areas. At first all those years ago we decided we should only go to single sex sessions at the swimming pools and that was maintained for quite a while and I don't think it's gone too wildly awry but now there are grandchildren who want to learn to swim and so the mums take them swimming when there are men around (not many as they try to go when children and their mums go) and the Life Guards are often men. So here the compromises come in and one wonders how to circumvent the problems.

As my husband and I were walking on the beach this morning I mentioned this as we passed a bikini-clad young mum. He, quite rightly, replied that if our sights are on the Lord's will and His desires and purposes then we don't have a choice, we cover up and sacrifice the pleasure of swimming and sunbathing in view of the opposite sex. He and I at our age and maturity can say that without hesitation but I foresee questions from some of the family! It will be interesting to hear their reactions when they've read the article, it'll certainly promote discussion. Don't misunderstand me, all of them are basically in agreement with modesty and hate the state of undress in the world. My husband says that the author's assessment from the man's point of view is absolutely correct. And the Bathsheba angle is one we hadn't seen before.

From my own point of view I welcome any new directive from the Lord but I recognize that all of us are at different places in maturity and need to be sensitive to that. The knock-on effect of Bathsheba's sin of 'ignorance' is a very potent message to us women folk and although many in the Christian community would laugh us to scorn I believe it is extremely important. The Lord clearly tells us to live in the world but not to be of it and that is a hard road, especially today but we need to see the importance of our effect on the world and to be different and honor our Lord in the world.

I well remember a Christian doctor at the Youth Group our children were attending when these issues arose, back in the late 80s and early 90s, saying that when he and his wife walked along the beach he'd admire the scantily dressed young women and his wife would admire the scantily dressed young men and that it is perfectly normal to do so. Needless to say he thought we were legalistic, unrealistic and were leading our young people into repressed and difficult futures. I would like to show him now that his prediction has proved totally untrue and that all of our family are happily married and, as the writer of the article said 'satisfied at all times and ravished with their love'. For this we are very thankful and all the thankfulness goes to the Lord who has watched over them and led them to husbands and wife of His choosing.

[Thanks brother, John Ranjith Paul for sharing this article with me. - Monic]

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