May 29, 2008

Fruits of the Spirit

Fruits of the Spirit

Galatians 5:22-23
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law."

Love is the
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT and manifests itself in.

Joy is our strength

Peace is our security

Long-suffering is love's patience

Gentleness is the conduct of love

Goodness is God's character

Faith is our confidence

Meekness is in humility

Temperance is love's victory (Self control)

Only as we live in love we can fulfill the will of God in our lives.

Without the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT we are just a religious noise.

[Shared by Momsooky]

Where are you?

Where are you?

Genesis 3:8-9
But the Lord God called to the man, "Where are you?"

It is most striking to me that all religions, apart from Christianity, begin on the note of man's seeking after God. Only the Bible starts with the view of God's seeking after man. That highlights an essential difference between our Christian faith and the other major religions of the world.

Furthermore, this first question here in the Old Testament is matched by the first question asked in the New Testament. Here it is God asking man, 'Where are you?" and in the New Testament, in Matthew, the first question that appears is that of certain wise men who come asking, "Where is he?" (cf. Matthew 2:2).

If we take this account in the garden literally (as I believe we must), then it is clear that God habitually appeared to Adam in some visible form, for now Adam and Eve in their guilt and awareness of nakedness hide from God when they hear the sound of His footsteps in the garden. This indicates a customary action on God's part. He came in the cool of the day, not because that was more pleasant for Him but because it was more pleasant for man, and He habitually held some form of communication with man. We know from the rest of Scripture that whenever God appears visibly in some manifestation, it is always the second person of the Godhead, the Son. If that is true, then we have here what is called a theophany, a visible manifestation of God before the incarnation.

Thus, the one here who asks of Adam and Eve, "Where are you?" is the same one of whom later men would ask, "Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews?" (Matthew 2:2). Notice the importance of this question, "Where are you?" When people are lost, this is the most important question they can ask: "Where am I?" Suppose the telephone rang and you answered it to hear a voice say, "I'd like to come to your church this morning. I thought I knew the way, but I find myself very confused. Can you help me?" What is the first question you would ask? "Where are you?" That is always first. "Where are you?" Today we are seeking to find a way out of a very confusing situation that prevails in our world.

We will never do it until we start with this question, "Where are you? Where am I?" Perhaps the reason many are unable to be helped today is either because they cannot or will not answer that question. Ask it of yourself now. Where are you? In the course of your life, from birth to death, moving as you hope you are moving, to develop stability of character, trustworthiness, integrity of being, all these qualities that we admire in others and want in ourselves - where are you?

How far have you come? Until you can answer that, in some sense at least, there is no possibility of helping you. Perhaps many of you will have to say, "I don't know where I am. I only know that I am not where I ought to be or where I want to be. That's all I can say." If that is all you can say, that is at least an honest answer, and therefore, it is the most helpful answer you can give. In that sense, it is the only right answer.

Lord, help me to examine myself with this question, "Where am I?" Thank You that it is out of Your grace and love that You question me.

Ray Stedman

Beauty Within

Beauty Within

Psalm 45:13-17

Psalm 45 is a wedding psalm. It says this about the bride: "The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold" (v. 13, KJV). Often after a wedding someone will ask, "What did the bride wear?" Her gown draws everyone's attention. But notice what the bride wore at this wedding. "The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold." It's not important what we wear on the outside, but it is important what we wear on the inside. Jesus Christ wants His Bride, His people, to be beautiful within.

We are married to Jesus Christ - not because we loved Him, but because He loved us. Before we ever thought about Him, He thought about us. In His love He purchased us and came to us. When I perform a marriage ceremony, I don't ask the bride and groom, "Do you know each other?" or "Do you think about each other?" The question is, "Will you commit your lives to each other?" In the same way, trusting Christ for salvation is an act of the will. It's not enough to think about Jesus Christ or know Him intellectually. We must say, "I will trust Him." In the Book of Revelation we read, "Whosoever desires, let him take the water of life freely" (22:17).

Yes, you belong to Jesus Christ, and your true beauty ought to be within. And, if it is within, it's going to come out through your life. The Christian life is a wedding, not a funeral. Don't wear the sorrowful clothes of a mourner, for Christ has clothed you with beauty - the gold of His righteousness. Enjoy the wedding today!

Christians are the Bride of Jesus Christ. He purchased you with His love and clothed you with righteousness. Are you committed and yielded to Jesus Christ? Do you love Him and trust Him? Renew your commitment to Him daily, so you may grow and enjoy Him.

Warren Wiersbe



"I will not let thee go, except thou bless me . . . and he blessed him there." (Gen. 32:26, 29)

JACOB got the victory and the blessing not by wrestling, but by clinging. His limb was out of joint and he could struggle no longer, but he would not let go. Unable to wrestle, he wound his arms around the neck of his mysterious antagonist and hung all his helpless weight upon him, until at last he conquered.

We will not get victory in prayer until we, too, cease our struggling, giving up our own will and throw our arms about our Father's neck in clinging faith.

What can puny human strength take by force out of the hand of Omnipotence? Can we wrest blessing by force from God? It is never the violence of willfulness that prevails with God. It is the might of clinging faith, that gets the blessing and the victories. It is not when we press and urge our own will, but when humility and trust unite in saying, "Not my will, but Thine." We are strong with God only in the degree that self is conquered and is dead. Not by wrestling, but by clinging we can get the blessing. - J. B. Miller.

An incident from the prayer life of Charles R. Usher (illustrating "soul-cling" as a hindrance to prevailing prayer): "My little boy was very ill. The doctors held out little hope of his recovery. I had used all the knowledge of prayer which I possessed on his behalf, but he got worse and worse. This went on for several weeks.

"One day I stood watching him as he lay in his cot, and I saw that he could not live long unless he had a turn for the better. I said to God, "O God, I have given much time in prayer for my boy and he gets no better; I must now leave him to Thee, and I will give myself to prayer for others. If it is Thy will to take him, I choose Thy will - I surrender him entirely to Thee."

"I called in my dear wife, and told her what I had done. She shed some tears, but handed him over to God. Two days afterwards a man of God came to see us. He had been very interested in our boy Frank, and had been much in prayer for him.

"He said, 'God has given me faith to believe that he will recover - have you faith?'

"I said, 'I have surrendered him to God, but I will go again to God regarding him.' I did; and in prayer I discovered that I had faith for his recovery. From that time he began to get better. It was the soul-cling in my prayers which had hindered God answering; and if I had continued to cling and had been unwilling to surrender him, I doubt my boy would be with me today.

"Child of God! If you want God to answer your prayers, you must be prepared to follow the footsteps of 'our father Abraham,' even to the Mount of Sacrifice." (See Rom. 4:12)

From Streams in the Desert...

[Shared by Dean]

Root out Fear!

Root out Fear!

Hosea 10:12 (NLT) “I said, 'Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of my love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.”

I’m a gardener. I love to garden. My mom loved to garden when I was a boy and she would often have me split and move plants for her. I never realized at the time how much it would impact my life.

It really has impacted my life. I can see a lot of my mom’s qualities in my life. Having ten children, she had a very nurturing side to her. I’ve noticed that I have that in me. I love to watch things grow. I love to help and watch Christians grow in their faith. That is probably why I have created and head up a very large Small Group system of hundreds of groups at our church. I love to watch and help people grow in walking out their leadership abilities. That is probably why I love to teach our Leadership Development Classes and minister to the men at our monthly Manhood Breakfast. I love to watch my garden grow. That is probably why I have a very large flower garden. If you get your Fresh Manna mailed to you and you get the garden graphic at the top; that is a slice of my garden. When I am working in the garden, I am continually reminded of Bible principles that strengthen my faith.

You’ll find that in every garden, weeds that you never planted spring from the ground. Your heart and your garden are the same. Weeds – fears, worries, and evil imaginations invade your heart and mind that seem to come from nowhere. Jesus in trying to teach His disciples about how our heart and mind works used gardening and farming illustrations. Matthew 13:24-28, "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared. "The owner's servants came to him and said, 'Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?' "'An enemy did this,' he replied.”

Satan is always trying to plant seeds of fear in our heart. It’s by design. He would rather have you have faith in his fear than faith in God’s promises. Why? Because your faith is what brings forth its crop. When you allow weed seeds of fear to grow in your mind and heart - fear, discouragement, and hopelessness is the crop you will reap. Consequently, you have to work to keep out things you do not want in there. You have to dig up what shouldn’t be there and cast it out! What does a heart with weed seeds planted in it look like? Jeremiah 17:5-6 reveals this saying, “This is what the Lord says: "Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, on the salty flats where no one lives.”

When you plant good seeds planting them in good soil (a heart that loves and trusts God and puts faith and expectation in His promises) then you will reap a good crop. Hosea 10:12 (NLT) says, “I said, 'Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of my love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.”

What does a good crop from your heart look like? Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NLT) describes it like this: ‘But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruit.”

My gardening reminds me what I should meditate on – on God’s promises in the spirit of faith, and what I should not allow in my heart – the circumstances that pop up daily that are weeds of fear that try to undermine my faith. I dig them out and cast them into a pile to be burned or discarded. If I keep my heart good soil, and profess and pray God’s promises over my life and others, I will see my harvest and I will become like that tree planted by the river that stays green and is not bothered by heat or long months of drought.

God’s Word is our riverbank for our roots to go down into. Remember today that the promise He promised you is this: Deut. 28:6-7 (NLT) “You will be blessed wherever you go, both in coming and in going. ”The Lord will conquer your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction, but they will scatter from you in seven! “How is that for sinking your roots into?

Pastor Tim Burt
Fresh Manna



Romans 5:6-8
“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.

Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Who would you be willing to die for? That is a penetrating question. Very seldom do people choose up sides and talk about death and dying, much less who you would be willing to sacrifice your life for.

This afternoon (Monday) I had a part in a Memorial Day Service at a local cemetery. One of those on the program was one of our United States Congressmen. He told a story about a young medic who was deployed to Iraq.

A roadside bomb exploded destroying a passenger vehicle. The Congressman explained that the terrorists many times use two explosive devices. When medics arrive to rescue the survivors the second is detonated to kill and maim them as well.

In this instance the medic disregarded his own welfare and rushed into the flaming vehicle to rescue a small Iraqi girl. She clung tight to his neck as they were air lifted out to an intensive care unit.

When he tried to put the small girl down, she screamed and clung to his neck. Permission was granted by his unit for him to remain with the girl. For three weeks, everyday he was by her side. With joy he accompanied her back home into the arms of her parents.

Wow! What a story! Here was a young American who was serving in a far away land and yet was willing to risk his own life to save a small child he had never seen before.

Back in the 60’s I served with a Senior Master Sergeant who was transferred to Saigon. He had only been there a few days when the movie theater he was in was attacked by a terrorist. The man threw a small explosive device into the center aisle. A young US Marine immediately leapt from his seat and threw himself over the bomb.

His act of courage cost him his own life, but saved countless lives who would otherwise have received much more of the blast. When Sgt. Ruben Luna called me upon returning home, he could not restrain himself from weeping about a young Marine he had never seen, who gave his life in such an act of courage.

Those are two examples of humans who placed their lives on the line for others. Jesus, the second Person of the Godhead not only gave His life for us - He became sin for us and paid the penalty (death) that we might have eternal life.

At the beginning of this devotional, I asked who you would be willing to die for. Now comes an even greater question: Have you received the sacrifice that Jesus gave for your sins. Have you repented (made an about face from your sinful ways) and have chosen to live for the Lord? Jesus died that we might be saved from death. Praise the Lord!

Pastor Cecil Thompson

May 28, 2008

Debt of Love

Debt of Love

Much of Paul's letter to the Romans is a love story between a righteous God and sinful man. Even though our sinful state sentenced us to an eternal death (Romans 6:23), God looked upon us with love: "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

Our Heavenly Father loved us long before we knew Him - He loved us when there was nothing in us that deserved His love - and He gave His Son as a sacrifice for sin so that, through faith, we might experience His deep and wonderful love for all eternity. This is a love I don't think we fully appreciate or even understand. And yet, this love which was demonstrated through the life of Jesus has become the standard for how we are to love others; "As I have loved you, so you must love one another" (John 13:34).

When Jesus came to earth He revealed the true love of God. John wrote that "Through Him all things were made" (John 1:3). But we also know that the Creator of the Universe "made Himself nothing... being made in human likeness" (Philippians 2:7). Jesus Christ came to earth in human form; He "humbled Himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!" (Philippians 2:8). His entire life was an act of divine love. And this is the same love He commands us to have for one another; the love which Paul says we must continually repay.

Romans 13:8
"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another."

Paul knew the fullness of Jesus' love and he knew we were commanded to love one another in a like manner. He also knew we could never truly fulfill Jesus' command of love because His love was simply too great. And though the love involved in our Salvation is beyond comprehension, His love continues even more with the gift of His Spirit for daily guidance and strength. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each loving one another, together pour out their love on us with a blessed abundance. We definitely have a large love-debt!

But notice that our debt of love to God has become a debt of love to others - a "continuing debt" which will be with us for the rest of our life. Though we can never fully repay, we can honor Jesus' command by welcoming our debt and joyfully loving those who are placed in our path; "We love {others} because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19).

Honoring the command of Jesus doesn't mean we love just the loveable or those who love us in return - it means we love... and then we love some more! Let's accept our debt and love one another as we make regular (daily) payments toward our continuing debt of love.

Steve Troxel

You're Special

You're Special

Psalm 30:5
Sing praise to the Lord, you saints of His, and give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name. For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Glory to God!!! What a great and mighty God we serve. He is a just God, but also VERY forgiving. Forgiveness should be a big part of our lives as well. We have been forgiven much, and so we should also forgive. Does God get upset (angry) with us when we mess up… Oh yea. But as evidenced here and in Psalm 103:11-14 we see that He has great mercy towards those who call upon His name… towards those who fear Him. I especially like verse 14… He remembers that we are dust. I like to use that analogy sometimes.

Whenever you begin to think you're really hot stuff, and pride begins to well up in you… wipe your hand over the top of your refrigerator… that's you.

Now that's not to say that God doesn't love us and care for us… He has pity on us because He remembers where we came from… that's a good thing. We're not called dust like we're nothing… that's just where we came from… dust. I always pray that I don't get to be so "holier than thou" that I don't remember where I came from.

That's not to say, I want to shout from the rooftops what I used to do, and who I used to be… but I don't want to judge others who are now; no worse than I was then. Usually the ones who are pointing the finger at everyone else, are usually doing what they're accusing everyone else of doing. They're either doing it, or planning on doing it, or wanting to do it. To the Lord, each of us is the apple of His eye, His favorite. I remember preaching one time, and the Lord impressing upon me to tell everyone, that you are God's favorite. We are each unique and different, in a very special way. We all have a different type of relationship with Him… but yet, all the same… amazing isn't it.

He created us all different for a reason. He didn't want carbon copies… a mass of people exactly alike. All you have to do is look at a snow flake to see the diversity God places in all of His creation. People are so different… our bodies are put together differently… our emotions are all different… our attitudes are all different (and some need adjusting… mine did anyway)… so many things about us are different, but God loves us all the same… just as He told me that night… each and every one of them… are My favorite. That puts a smile on my face when I remember that. I was quite overcome when I realized that each and every one of us, as we accept what Jesus did for us, and receive the forgiveness of God… (Everyone on earth is His creation, but NOT everyone is His child. John 1:12)… We are grafted in to His holy family, and we are special and precious in His eyes.

He is happiest when you are desiring to come in to His presence. When you offer Him praise and thanks, when you forsake everything and everyone else, to spend time with Him. He loves that. He wants more time with you… He wants to be a part of all that you do… every day. As we see in Proverbs 3:11-12 He does/will correct us when we need it. But He does it for our good. Just like a parent knows to tell a child to keep away from a hot stove… he/she is not doing it to keep the child from something exciting and fun… but to keep them from being hurt. God is the same way in that what He tells in His word what we should do, and what not to do. If I don't stop now… I'll keep going, and going, and going… I want to close with this…

When, not if, but when we mess up… don't make excuses… don't pretend like it didn't happen, because that in itself will begin to separate you from God (Isaiah 59:2). But do what we're told to do in the scripture… "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1st John 1:9) Don't worry, be happy… God is on your side. He wants to hear from you each day, and wants for you to get to know Him more through His word as well. God is good… all the time.


On Being Teachable

On Being Teachable

There once was a woman who held a minor managerial job that became a little over her head. She was not well-educated but very proud and did not know her limitations. When it came to reports, she had her own way of completing them.

Her supervisor asked a former teacher, who had infinite patience, to instruct her how to do things the company way. But it was a struggle amidst times of resentment, false pride and feelings of inferiority, attached to an authority problem. She insisted that her primitive way of keeping records was better - but errors kept happening.

The sessions ended in frustration to both women, but the final report the instructor gave was - "Unteachable."

I've wondered at times why it is like that with people. Some people simply refuse to bother improving their minds. It is a form of elitism, on a much lesser rung than scholarly. When it comes to growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus, it is a derailment to the cause of Christ.

But a vast number of people who have accepted Christ as their savior are grateful to have access into God's grace and the capacity to graduate from the milk of the word to strong meat. (Hebrews 5:12, 14)

To stop growing spiritually is like going from warm and sunny seasons into the cold of Winter with no preparation of firewood to keep warm. It's worse in some ways than backsliding in that the result is - nothing - just nothing.

One just floats through church services, socials, bazaars, parties, all under the assumption that that is all the Lord expects from Christians. It is indifference, laziness, a lack of spirituality, even arrogance.

But David was filled with desire to know as much about the Lord and his ways and paths as he could get. He delighted himself in writing Psalms, singing praises of worship to Yahweh, protector of Israel. And he still had time to fight wars, handle the "affairs of state" involving Bathsheba, and international and domestic problems.

To say that you don't have time to read and meditate on the word of God is a "cop-out." Whatever the amount of work you have to do, you will do it better with the Lord along side.

"Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy loving kindnesses; for they have been ever of old. Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness' sake, (Psalm 25:4-7)

In verses 4 and 5, the Psalmist sets an agenda: "show me," "teach me," "lead me," and then "teach me" some more. He just can't get enough. Yahweh created his own ways of administering order in the world and in the universe. He knows the paths we should take and David did not want to take a wrong direction at the fork in the road. He learned early to "Trust in the LORD with all heart; and lean not unto own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5)

David, in verse 5, eagerly waited to learn from the Lord each morning upon rising, Yahweh was his salvation. Not the salvation accounted to those who believe, but a salvation of a continuing action, of always saving from temptation or from danger - it's also called preservation.

The creator of the universe and the special God to Israel preserves because "he inhabitest the praises of Israel." (Psalm 22:3) Accordingly, he is also our goodness, fortress, high tower, deliverer, and shield. (Psalm 144:2)

He has a plan for Israel. Man failed every plan God gave him in ancient times of Israel. The Lord, himself, will complete his plan through man, when he returns to earth. He will show his people his ways and lead them on his paths again, this time into Jerusalem where he will sit on the throne of David in the kingdom of heaven.

By his word are all things are preserved. (1Thessalonians 5:23) By his word he illuminates those who love him. (Psalm 119:105)

In verse 6, he asks the Lord TO REMEMBER two of his characteristics extended down to man: "tender mercies" and "loving kindness." The totally sanctified believer, separated from the world, has no problem in remembering things of the Lord. They are brought to mind by the "comforter" (Holy Spirit) that Jesus promised his disciples would come after him and bring them to remember all things he told them. (John 14:26)

It was a comfort to me in the night before an operation for a malignant tumor, to remember his tender mercies and loving kindness. I remembered because I stored the word of God in my heart. It was impossible to read my Bible at that time - but the written word and the Living Word of God was with me. My recall is faulty, but the word is in there and the Comforter brings them to mind in meditation.

Later, as a chaplain assigned to the oncology ward. I saw fright on the faces of so many Christians facing dire situations. "Chaplain, where is it in the Bible where it says . . . .?" Sometimes, it wasn't in the Bible; from another source of Benjamin Franklin, or Elbert Hubard.

I often wondered if there had been no chaplain to pray with them and supply their needs from the Bible, how much joy and comfort they would have had if they had stored up scripture in their hearts for the rough times - to let the Holy Spirit bring Jesus to mind.

In verse 7, David implores Yahweh TO NOT REMEMBER every rotten thing he ever did. As likable as he was and as much as the Lord loved him, David was no Chester Do-good! But he paid an awful price for his veering into the wrong fork of the road - even for just a moment of time.

Sin has a bitter price - broken fellowship with God. It isn't worth it! David's sins were presumptuous; he knew better. But we know that he suffered much remorse and guilt for the sins he did. The Psalms are full of his penitential prayers. But true repentance brings God's forgiveness.

Nevertheless, as much as God loved David and forgave him, he is still God and his attributes of righteousness and justice will not be violated. God never changes and keeps his covenant promises. Messiah will sit on the throne of David and all Israel will be saved, regardless of them being a stiff-necked people and regardless of what David did. It's a part of God's plan.

God is forgiving and as believers, who are justified by his grace, ". . . we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." (Romans 5:2) But one of the hardest things for some people to do is to believe that they are forgiven. Guilt hovers overhead like a cloud that is about to drop a storm.

In hanging on to guilt, we throw ourselves back into the Old Testament, when the Holy Spirit was not universally given to those who believe - not until Jesus became our propitiation for sin. Now we are kept by the "earnest of our inheritance, planted and dwelling in our hearts."

When Jesus says, "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." (John 6:37) Again, for emphasis, "I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT!" Not to believe that is to make him a liar, and God cannot lie.

David in verse 7 mentions sins and transgression, seemingly meaning the same thing. But sins are those lusts and misdeeds of our natural sin nature that cause us to be estranged from God. "Transgressions" are those more serious presumptive sins in our knowing to do good, but intentionally not doing it.

The Bible, in similitude and examples, is clear that sins and transgressions are too much for man to bear. Guilt produces stress, and transgressions add more fuel to the fire (no pun intended). Fulfilled lusts may be pleasant for a season, but consequently they will break down the spirit, and that in turn will break down the body - your organs will weaken and fail.

That is the time when you will wish that you had bothered to learn more about the Lord Jesus Christ, committing his word to memory.

One thing that I praise the Lord for - I feel that I am teachable – how about you? ". . . and grant me thy law graciously. I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid before me." (Psalm 119:29-30)

Pastor Bulldog

May 27, 2008

Touching the Untouchable – Do you feel untouched?

Touching the Untouchable – Do you feel untouched?

What would change in our lives if we asked: "What would Jesus do?" There are many ways in which we cannot follow Christ, but in principle we can follow Him as He becomes involved with human need. One of the best ways for us to know whether we are following Christ is to ask whether we have had to make hard choices in His favor. When Abraham told God that he loved Him, God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac. That ultimately is the true nature of love; love makes sacrifices.

In Mark 1, Christ encountered a leper. It's difficult for us to grasp the loathsomeness of leprosy in ancient times. The victim would experience lethargy and pain; after that, discolored patches would appear over his body. Then nodules (pink and brown) would ulcerate. These open sores would emit a foul discharge. The voice would become hoarse, the breath wheezing. Soon the victim's head would become so contorted that he scarcely looked human. Finally, there was a loss of sensation because the nerve trunks became affected. The muscles wasted away, and eventually the fingers and the toes would fall off. Most people lived an average of 9 years after contracting the disease. Someone has rightly observed that leprosy made a human being a hideous wreck.

And what was the response of the people? In keeping with the Old Testament law, lepers were to be kept outside the camp. In Leviticus 13:45, 46 we read, "As for the leper who has the infection, his clothes shall be torn, and the hair of his head shall be uncovered, and he shall cover his mustache and cry, 'Unclean! Unclean!' He shall remain unclean all the days during which he has the infection; he is unclean. He shall live alone; his dwelling shall be outside the camp."

Lepers were shunned and did not even have the right to speak to other human beings. They cried "Unclean! Unclean!" so that other people would not get near them. They always had to stand at a distance, and eventually die in their aloneness. During the middle ages, a leper was brought into the church and the priest read the burial rights to him. Then a black garment was put upon him and he was avoided like the plague. He was considered dead, though yet alive.

The Leper's Cry

But let's consider this leper. He says to Christ, "Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean" (Matthew 8:2). This was a cry of desperation. If Christ couldn't help him, who could? If Christ, turned His back upon this man, he would lose hope forever. This was his only chance.

It was also a cry of submission and faith. Though the leper knew that Christ had the ability to cure him, he left the decision with our Lord. "If You are willing, You can make me clean." Without any promises to go on, he threw himself upon the mercy of God. Behind this cry of agony is not only a desire for healing but a cry for significance - he wants to know whether he matters in the impersonal world in which he lived, whether his condition matters to Christ.

The Scripture says Christ had compassion on him. He doesn't just show sympathy; He does two things that are absolutely essential for emotional and spiritual balance. The Scripture says "He touched him" (v. 3). That certainly startled everyone. In the Gospel of Luke we read this leper had sores over his whole body (Luke 5:12). You simply did not touch such a person. Christ could have healed him without that loving touch, but the Savior wanted to show His identification with human need and pain.

The Leper Touched

Today there are many people who have never known a meaningful loving touch. You've heard the report about babies who are born in a hospital; their needs are taken care of, but unless they are cuddled and held they will shrivel up emotionally and some will even die. In fact, researchers are finding that when they videotape how a mother takes care of her baby, it is almost possible to predict whether that child will grow up with or without emotional trauma.

We must remember that the grace of God is able to intervene and change the failures of parents. But without such intervention, children who are unloved, untouched, and rejected as a nuisance, almost surely, will grow up being unable to deal with the emotional demands of life.

In the Old Testament, fathers bestowed a blessing upon their children with a loving touch and a tender word. Researchers are discovering that there are physiological benefits to meaningful touch. For example, it increases the hemoglobin of the body; the tissues receive more oxygen. In fact, a hug can be so invigorating that it lowers one's blood pressure. A UCLA study estimated that if married couples were to give one another 8 to 10 meaningful touches a day, they may live up to 2 years longer.

But consider also the spiritual and emotional benefits of a loving touch. Marilyn Monroe, famous for her beauty, was an illegitimate child who grew up in a series of foster homes. One day a news reporter asked her whether she ever felt loved when she was growing up. She thought for a moment and then replied, "Yes, once. When I was perhaps seven or eight, I was with a woman who was putting on her make-up and she was in a good mood. When I walked by she playfully took the rouge puff and patted my cheeks - for that one moment I felt loved."

Just think of it! Here is a woman thinking back to one instance when she felt loved. It was so meaningful that years later it brought tears to her eyes. Marilyn Monroe became a promiscuous woman, possibly because she was looking for the love she did not have as a child. Many women today admit that they become promiscuous because it is the price that must be paid to be loved and to be held.

Recently, a man told me he was brought up in an alcoholic home. Since both of his parents were bound to the bottle, he was never touched, held nor loved. A passage of Scripture that means much to him is found in Psalm 139, where we read that God "leads us by his hand" and "the Lord fashions us with his hand." "At least," he says, "I'm glad to know that God touched me even though my parents did not." Yes, it is possible to be "hugged into shape."

Within the church today there are many people who did not receive a tender touch when they were growing up. We have a responsibility as the body of Christ to fulfill this need. I realize, of course, that it may be risky to suggest a physical touch lest it become an occasion for a sensual touch. But there is such a thing as a holy hug, as well as an unholy hug. The way you tell the difference is whether the hug increases your blood pressure or lowers it!

Christ's Gracious Words

Next, Christ spoke the words, "I am willing; be cleansed." You can be sure that the leper never forgot the gracious words that proceeded from the mouth of our Lord. And if you never received words of love and encouragement when you were growing up, you will probably either become a workaholic (still trying to get people's attention so that they may speak well of you), or you may sink into withdrawal and depression. There are children whose whole lives have become ensnared and emotionally twisted because they have never had affirmation and love.

As a pastor I have frequently counseled those who have had bitter experiences in life. Many have fallen into sexual sin, and though they have confessed these sins they still feel guilty about them. Often, as a representative of Jesus Christ, I have said, "You have been cleansed, go your way." There are people who need to know that they are forgiven. Christ touched the untouchable! And He invites us to do it in His stead!

Dorie Van Stone was badly abused as a child. Marvelously brought to Christ, she now lives a new life dedicated to helping others who are going through her trials. One day she received this note left in her hotel room by a woman survivor of child-abuse, "I wanted to isolate you all to myself, to grab you and not let anyone else near you - you knew me - you spoke my words, many of your lonely moments were mine. The others couldn't possibly understand - they have always been loved - they always have been accepted and understood - they always have had someone they belonged to - you and I never did. But once we knew Christ loved us, no one could ever take Him Away! They could never, never touch our soul again. He had us for eternity. It's another tune that we dance to, a different drum... We know the meaning of the groanings and moanings of our soul, the times when voices and words do not exist. Yet Christ is our voice to God, our interpreter, our ‘healing balm.’”

Who are the untouchables of today? They may not appear untouchable for they may be very attractive. I'm speaking about people who feel as if they are untouchable, those who are living in an emotional wasteland.

Our Responsibility

First there are those who were molested as children. They feel unclean, they do not like to be touched and they live with shame. One woman told me she is angry because she herself is a victim of abuse. "But where are the abusers?" she asks. Let me say to anyone who may be reading this, if you are an abuser, in the name of Christ I appeal to you to stop!

Then there are divorced people. Sometimes we are uncomfortable with them, because we know that someone is always guilty when a divorce takes place. But I've met a lot of innocent people out there who have been victims of bad marriages. I recall one woman who said that the Sunday after her divorce was finalized she came into church and felt as if she had a big "D" branded on her forehead. Divorced - Unclean! Many of these people, particularly single parents, desperately need the love and the support of the church. Some of our fathers should become surrogate fathers for children who do not have a father.

And what about the disease AIDS? There are many in our society who have this horrid disease and will shortly die. Yes, they may have contracted it through homosexuality, but then again there are many innocent victims who have the disease. Some who were practicing homosexuals have come to know Christ as Savior, and yet they still have the disease.

Dorie Van Stone told the story of a young man who just sat and stared after one of her seminars. When everyone else had left, he came up and said, "Dorie, I was thrown out on the street at the age of 9, my mother did not want me. I became a homosexual and contracted AIDS. A year ago, I became a Christian. Dorie, please tell me ... please tell me that I am forgiven! Tell me that I am forgiven!" She showed the young man passages of Scripture that assured him that he had been cleansed by Christ. And then she took him in her arms and held him as she would her own son. As his tears fell onto her sweater he said, "Dorie, nobody touches me ... some of my friends even think they could get AIDS through my tears."

That's what Christ would have done. This is my challenge to you: Pray that God will give you someone with whom you can be sacrificially involved... someone who can never repay you, someone who may not have a family or who is passing through a difficult trial. Yes, even someone who may be a bother. In the name of Christ, let us reach out and touch them and thus represent our Lord and Savior on earth.

Erwin Lutzer

Is Life Too Hard?

Is Life Too Hard?

There came a day in Joe's life when he realized it just wasn't worth it anymore. His struggles had become more than he could handle, both mentally and physically. First he lost his job, then he found out he was either over-qualified or under-qualified for the few jobs that were available. The one business willing to hire him wouldn't pay enough to feed his family much less the mortgage and other bills. Then his wife left taking their two children, moving across the country. He became hopelessly depressed and suffered a heart attack.

Upon being released from the hospital, having no place or no one to turn to he went to the woods to die. He decided to have one last talk with God.

"God," he said, "life is too hard, can you give me one good reason not to quit right now?"

To his utter amazement God spoke to him. "Look around," God said. "Do you see the fern bushes and the bamboo surrounding you here in the forest?"

Joe looked around and replied, "Yes."

God said, "When I created the fern and the bamboo I took great care of both of them, yet only the fern came up quickly and covered the earth with its beautiful green leaves although I gave them both water and sunlight to grow. I did not give up on the bamboo plant even after four years of care. Then the fifth year a tiny sprout appeared which seemed insignificant to the growth the fern had gained. Even then I did not give up on the bamboo because I knew the bamboo had spent five years growing roots and soon it grew to a height of 100 feet.

The fern didn't need large strong roots to bring forth its beauty to bring me glory but the bamboo did and when it did come forth it brought me much glory also. If I had quit or given up on the bamboo it would not have glorified me. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.

Each and every thing I created was created for a purpose just like the bamboo has a different purpose than the fern. Did I not create the lion and the lamb? I know and give each of my creations exactly what they need to fulfill their purpose. I have never nor will I ever give up on anything I have created.

I know you have suffered much, but you have grown strong roots through your suffering which you will need to bring me glory. Without the suffering you have experienced you would not have come to the end of yourself and you would not have turned to Me.

I am the Master Potter; I made every heart that received the breath of life. I know what it takes to turn every heart to Me; until that heart is mine it cannot glorify Me and until every heart is mine I shall not give up on it. Now that you have turned to Me your time will come and you will rise high!"

"How high should I rise?" Joe asked Him.

"How high will the bamboo rise?" God asked in return.

"As high as it can?" Joe questioned.

"Yes," God said, "Give Me glory by rising as high as you can."

As Joe walked out of the forest he started to realize where he had gone wrong in life. He had lived for himself instead of living his life for his creator. He had sought only glory for himself instead of for the sovereign God who had created him.

God had never given up on him but had been preparing his heart so he would learn how to live to glorify Him. He now knew God would never give up on him and no matter how hard life became he could never quit for he was made to glorify God and God was for him. He realized that God would never give up on him or allow anything to happen to him that His grace would not be sufficient to see him through.

Romans 8:31-39 KJV
31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth.
34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Never regret a day in your life!
Good days give you happiness.
Bad days give you experiences.
Both are essential to life... KEEP GOING…
Happiness keeps you sweet.
Trials keep you strong.
Sorrows keep you human.
Failures keep you humble.
Success keeps you glowing.
But only God keeps you going…
He will never give up on you.
Never give up on Him!

How can we ever compare the sufferings we endure during our short time on this earth against the eternity we will spend in heaven with our Lord and Saviour?

This story came to me signed "Author Unknown"; I have rewritten it to incorporate my own style but hope I have stayed true to the original author's intent and meaning.

Bob Goulding

May 26, 2008

Is Masturbation a Sin?

Is Masturbation a Sin?

A question from Rajesh, Mumbai. (Name changed):
This has plagued me for a long time. Is masturbation a sin, and if so how serious is it? I have been doing good for a while but I am starting to slip again. I need help. If you could get back to me I would be thankful and I am ashamed of this.

An answer to the oft-asked question of if masturbation is a sin for believers in Christ Jesus, and what the scriptures teach concerning it.

The Scripture is strangely silent about this universal issue, while not shy about all sorts of other sexual situations and perversions... in great detail concerning sex with animals, etc. Yet the Bible says nothing about masturbation.

To be sure, it is clear from Scripture that illicit sexual fantasies are forbidden, and this is a significant issue with masturbation. Matt 5:28-29 (NIV) [Jesus:] "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell."

But what if no illicit fantasies are included in masturbation? Is the act then sinful? By scripture, there is nothing to indicate that it is. Specifically, if the act is done merely as a hedge against temptation and as the body requires then there is no need for the above sinful "crutches". This is hardly exciting, and a rote act of keeping the body in submission. It cannot be done often, as the body is not that demanding if left alone by a perverted imagination. On the other hand, if we attempt a pent-up self-sex life, then we find that the body needs help from the soul through illicit fantasies, and then sin is clearly being committed. I hope this is clear.

From Scripture, the line not to be crossed is the line of illicit imagination. And what a line! Minus the sinful fantasies, which are the fuel for most masturbation, all the fun and zest would be taken out of it. Thus, it would no longer be a topic of interest to you or anybody, any more than the act of going to the bathroom. It would be just "doing what was needed" to keep the body from exploding from within.

Eph. 5:3 (NIV) But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people.

Much like a person who is an Alcoholic must avoid any kind of drinking like the plague, where others can drink with moderation and without sin, the same principle applies here. So people might come to different conclusions concerning masturbation, and that is anticipated within our faith. Each man must live in holiness before the Lord in his/her own body, and this might mean different disciplines and personal leading in each case. What works for me or you... we should not impose on anybody else as a stumbling block.

Rom. 14:12-13 (NIV) So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling-block or obstacle in your brother's way.

The important thing is that we live holy before Him, and this is a matter that we should take very seriously. I assume this is why you are interested in this question, because you want to please God by avoiding any kind of sin. And when it comes to sexual sin in the thought-life, in our culture this is an easy temptation to fall into. So care and caution are appropriate as we consider these things and make choices before the Lord.

1 Thes. 4:2-8 (NIV) For you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus. It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God... For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.

Can you, in all honesty, masturbate without sinning against the clear commands of Christ? If yes, then we are never told that the act itself is impure or forbidden. But let us be honest and admit that it is not so easy to do if we are committed to avoid mental sexual sin.

In our society, where lust is in the air, how is it is possible to "learn to control our bodies in a way that is holy and honorable"? Well, the answer is that we can die. Really, spiritually. This is The Gospel as we have received it. John 8:32 (NIV) "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Here is the specific Scripture that sets us free, when it finally dawns on us what it meant:

1 Peter 4:1-2 (NIV) Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.

Think about the radical nature of the spiritual dynamic of what is being explained here. If you are really the recipient of the HOLY Spirit, then this means PAIN in a physical body that lives in this carnal world. If you get this right in your attitude, God says you will be "done with sin". Awesome, eh?

The problem is that we want relief, and sin is the way. But if we agree in advance that the way of the faith must inevitably involve suffering, then we are truly living the gospel and have transferred out of the power of evil and into God's will.

And masturbation, never forbidden by God, can be used as one of the ways that we can "learn to control our bodies"; not by inflaming the body with pornography or fantasies so that it can be done too often, but in using it to keep ourselves from dangerous, physical temptation when it can (rarely) be done without sinning in any way.

Commit yourself to a certain amount of pain, and commit yourself not to sin in thought. We should not indulge our bodies, but we should "honor" them and learn to live in them properly in this sinful world. For singles, God has given the ability to masturbate, and has not forbidden it. For married couples who are apart and who are thinking of each other, the same applies. But God has most definitely forbidden sinful thoughts that so often accompany masturbation, and for this we all need to die to self and commit ourselves to the fact that living holy in this world will involve pain.

Rom. 6:13 (NIV) Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.
Luke 14:28 (NIV) "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, 'This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.'"

1 Peter 4:1-2 Since, then, Christ suffered in the flesh, you also must arm yourselves with a determination to do the same - because he who has suffered in the flesh has done with sin - that in the future you may spend the rest of your earthly lives, governed not by human passions, but by the will of God.

ACTS 17:11 Archives

Different articles and different views:
Is Masturbation a Sin? By Dr. Ken Matto
Is Masturbation a Sin? By Dale Kaufman
Is Masturbation a Sin? By James C. Guy

Dear Rajesh,

You raise an issue that affects more young men than you probably realize. When young men are unmarried their sexual drive seeks satisfaction, so you are certainly not alone in this struggle. Most Christians will agree that masturbation is sin for two very important reasons:

First, God has defined sex for within marriage only. The numerous Old Testament prohibitions on fornication or sexual immorality refer to any sexual experience outside of marriage. This would include self-inflicted sexual pleasure.

Second, most masturbation takes place with pornography to look at either actually or in your mind through fantasy. Since Jesus condemned not only the act of adultery but lusting in our mind, this is clearly included.

You must also keep in mind the addictive nature of nearly all sexual sin including pornography. It eventually becomes a form of idolatry. We worship our sensual pleasure over Jesus.

Jesus' response to Peter's question as to how many times he must forgive (70 x 7) is meant to assure us of God's infinite capacity to forgive even habitual sin. Masturbation can only be conquered in the power of the Holy Spirit. If you follow Philippians 4:8 when tempted, you will find that the thoughts vanish or they remain only at your desire. It must become a question of Lordship: Jesus or you. The masturbation becomes only a symptom of a deeper need for intimacy with Christ. Habitual sin does not lead to questions of salvation but of Lordship.

I encourage you to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and everything else will follow. This is not to say it will be easy or quick. True discipleship is costly and our personal secret kingdoms must be rooted out one by one. But Jesus said I will never leave you nor forsake you. He meant it.

Also, may I suggest two excellent websites for help with sexual addiction and pornography addiction? The first is Setting Captives Free at, and the second is Focus on the Family's Pure Intimacy at

Dear friends, add your views as "comments" below.

Monic - Compiled from various online resources



Luke 23:44-46
"It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit My spirit." When He had said this, He breathed His last."

A young boy was setting out on a great adventure. People all around his area had been talking about a man who taught with great authority and performed many miracles. The name, Jesus, was on every tongue in the small village where he lived and now many were going to hear Him.

The lad's mother was not able to go along, but she prepared a small lunch for her son - five barley loaves and two small fish. It was not much, but she hoped it would suffice until he returned home that evening.

A huge throng of people were hurrying out to see Jesus, who had gone far out to a deserted area. They were all thrilled by the many miracles that Jesus performed and the words that He spoke. The hours fled swiftly by and stomachs began to grow with hunger.

The disciples of Jesus began to circulate through the crowd, looking for something. One of them, Andrew, stopped by the boy and asked him what he had in his bag? He merely nodded when the boy said it was his lunch and showed him his five rolls and two salted fish.

Jesus wanted to test His disciples, so He asked them where they could buy food for so such a large crowd? Philip had made a mental calculation and concluded that it would cost a great deal. In John 6:7 he answered the Lord; "Eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!"

The disciples reported that there was absolutely no food nearby, even if they had the money to buy it. It was then that Andrew reported his discovery. In John 6:8-9 we read, "Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up, 'Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?' "

I think you know the rest of the story. Jesus took the small lunch from the boy's hands, gave thanks to His Father in heaven for it and fed five thousand. Not only that - but there were twelve baskets full of "fish and chips" remaining. Imagine the mother's shock when her son returned with more food than he left with - and a full tummy to boot!

When the boy committed his food into the hands of the Master, he was a witness to the power of God to control his meager provisions. What was intended as a lunch for a small boy became a feast for thousands!

In today's Scripture from Luke 23, Jesus committed Himself into the hands of His Father. He who knew no sin became sin for us in order that we may receive the miracle of eternal life. By His yielding Himself, His death gave life to all who will come to Him in faith believing.

Our new life in Christ is no more merited by our actions than the boy's small lunch was sufficient to feed the crowd. Jesus is the One who does the miracles in our life. Our part is just to give ourselves into His hands. Never feel that it is not enough - He will multiply and bless!

Pastor Cecil Thompson

Make the Complicated Simple!

Make the Complicated Simple!

2 Cor. 6:2 (NLT) “…Indeed, God is ready to help you right now. Today is the day of salvation.”

The Lord spoke to my heart at the time He was stirring me along these lines and said, “Tell them to pay attention today. This will help many of them if they will take it to heart.”

Have you ever felt dull in regards to how you are carrying out your life – like you knew you weren’t giving your best effort and it was slowly taking you to the wrong place? Maybe you’re a little overweight and instead of doing something about it, you just keep eating the wrong food and too much. Maybe you haven’t been reading your Bible much or spending quiet time with the Lord but instead of doing something about it; it’s almost as if you are ignoring that leading from within to spend time with Him. Maybe you’ve been wasting a lot of time doing things that add no value to your life and you know it. You’ve been thinking about things you should do that would be a benefit to you and others but lethargy seems to be prevailing. Maybe it’s something else but the bottom line is – it’s making you feel dull and slowly leading you down a path you know is contrary to what you should be doing.

So what’s the answer? How can you break out of this? How can you change directions and feel better about yourself? Deut. 30:14 gives the first clue. “The message is very close at hand; it is on your lips and in your heart so that you can obey it.”

Sometimes we make simple answers or solutions complicated. Why do we do that? Is it to make it seem more important or have more value? I won’t try to answer that. The important thing to know is this; to obey God and get His help so that you can do those things in your heart is not complicated when you have Jesus in your heart to begin with.

There was a great leader who needed help in his life but who wanted to make the answer to his problems an earth shaking effort when the answer was really simple – too simple for his tastes. His name was Naaman and he was the captain of the King of Syria’s army. He was considered a great and honorable man. He found out he had leprosy. Through a series of events he came to the prophet Elisha for help. Elisha was willing to help him, but he didn’t even need to meet with him. Elisha simply sent his servant to tell Naaman, go dip in the river Jordon seven times. Naaman’s pride almost got in the way of his miracle.

We read in 2 Kings 5:11-14 (NLT) “But Naaman became angry and stalked away. ‘I thought he would surely come out to meet me!’" he said. "I expected him to wave his hand over the leprosy and call on the name of the Lord his God and heal me! Aren't the Abana River and Pharpar River of Damascus better than all the rivers of Israel put together? Why shouldn't I wash in them and be healed?" So Naaman turned and went away in a rage. But his officers tried to reason with him and said, "Sir, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, wouldn't you have done it? So you should certainly obey him when he says simply to go and wash and be cured!" So Naaman went down to the Jordan River and dipped himself seven times, as the man of God had instructed him. And his flesh became as healthy as a young child's, and he was healed!

Naaman wanted to make something simple, hard. God wanted to make what was hard or impossible with man, simple!

God wants to help you get out of that dull place. What’s your answer to breaking the lethargy or from the feeling of being dull? Today’s verse: “…Indeed, God is ready to help you right now. Today is the day of salvation.” When the word of God says, “Today is the day of your Salvation” it means, “Today is the day of your deliverance, of your victory, of your health, of your prosperity.”

So, what is your answer? First to shape your desired outcome with your mouth as the profession of your faith. Romans 10:8 “"Your salvation is close at hand; it is on your lips and in your heart." You have to learn to shape it and begin to say it. Learn to say, “Heavenly Father, I thank you today, that I am not lethargic. I am not dull. I am your child through the precious blood of your Son Jesus. I thank you that I have your Spirit and your strength to do… “Today is the day of Salvation and it comes to me like it did to Naaman, by aligning my words and then action to my faith – it comes simply. Thank you that you make things simple for me. I rise up in you today and begin to make my changes in Jesus name Amen!”

Now, can you do ten minutes of exercise today? Go do it and thank the Lord while you do. Can you say “no” to something you shouldn’t eat and put something better in your mouth? Yes you can so do it. During one of your breaks can you take a little quiet time and read through a chapter of the Bible and than simply spend a few minutes praying to God and thanking Him for His love, power, and presence in your life? Sure you can. If you know another Christian, go share a verse manna with them. The bottom line, don’t begin the change from feeling dull by attempting to start running a marathon. Make it a walk around the block. Put God’s Word in your mouth. Make some of those simple changes while you are speaking, “I can do this in Jesus name.” Don’t make it complicated. Make it simple. Just go do it in the strength of the Lord. You’ll feel better in no time at all!

Pastor Tim Burt
Fresh Manna



John 16:33
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

I recommend reading 16:16-33 to grasp this verse in its context. Just for a quick synopsis, Jesus is warning His disciples as He speaks to them of things to come. And all that He spoke we see in Acts and other books of the bible. But let’s look at it personally. We too will go through things, many unpleasant and some may even seem unfair. Steven Curtis Chapman’s youngest daughter (5 years old) was run over by a car the other day. Please keep them in your prayers. They are a loving family and Steven and his wife have done so much for people and children in need. They set up a foundation (Shannoah’s Hope to help folks financially afford the costs of adopting a baby from China. Many folks who were never able to have children, have been able to adopt unwanted babies from China. You look at things like that, and you wonder, “What did they do Lord? Why her? Why them?”

And when we’re going through things, we ask “Why me?” You know what? I don’t have an answer for you. I don’t know why. I just know that we have to trust in the Lord, no matter what. We have to know that He loves us, and He has promised to always be with us. It’s often difficult to understand tragedies and sudden deaths that occur. And we will probably never understand some things that happen… not until we’re with Him. (God always has compassion… look at how Jesus reacted to seeing funeral processions… He broke them up by raising the person from the dead. Jesus showed the Father’s compassion and love through what He did.) Who knows what may happen? Perhaps someone will (through this tragedy) go to Steven’s website, and come to know Jesus. Maybe more than one… Perhaps someone else will see this and will begin to support the ministries that they are involved in… and many, many more will come to know Christ and be saved from oppression. I don’t know, I’m just speculating. But I know God will do things through this tragedy. He will move, He will be glorified. It’s not our place to blame God or question Him. Even though He understands when we do. Many people have become angry with God (myself included) and may have even shouted that they hate Him!

But He’s big enough for that too. He will still love you, and He will draw you back to Himself. He understands grief and the things that occur during that grieving period. Pray for those who are going through tough situations, and be there for them. Your best bet is to love them, don’t try and explain anything or say something goofy like “God needed him/her up there with Him.” Just let God move and He will hold them up. From the sudden death of my father (when I was 20) to other deaths in the family I’ve come to realize you never are really prepared, even when you know the time is short. It’s still a loss that you will grieve about. I read a poem at my dad’s funeral, I officiated his mom’s funeral… sang and preached… (very hard) and I sang at my other grandmother’s funeral. God is gracious and merciful, and we may never know why. We can speculate and wonder, but we will probably never know on this earth… why. It’s probably better that way.


Do not be Stiff-necked

Do not be Stiff-necked

Acts 7:51 - Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.

Being stiff-necked can not be attributed only to people who do not accept the Lord. We can be stiff-necked at various stages of our spiritual growth. First we need to understand what being a stiff-necked means.

What the experts say about stiff-neck?

'Not all stiff necks are the same. While most of the time a stiff neck is caused by whiplash, ergonomics, wear and tear, or just sleeping in a funny position, there are those instances where it can be the sign of something systemic. Meningitis, an infection of the lining of the brain, is one such instance, and can be quite serious.'

If you see a person suffering from a stiff-neck you will find that the head and the torso part of the body of the person in a fixed position. The person is restrained in his or her movements. It is not that the person is paralyzed. When God called His people stiff-necked it did not mean they were un-believers. They did believe Him, but they also had a set of believes which were against God's Word, which they kept fixed and which hampered their faith.

Being a Christian is an evolving process. You need to understand that the Word of God although written eras ago, the truth and understanding of it was not revealed completely. As years go and the grace of God grows, we are receiving more and more understanding of the Word. Any person who claims total understanding of God's Word is a fool. It is only at the end days that the complete truth will be revealed to man and this will result in many becoming like Jesus (although not completely Him). God is working in us and we need to allow Him to mold us. This work will continue with our generations and our future generations until the due time. Do not keep your mind and thoughts fixed; allow the Lord (Holy Spirit) work on it and to mend it everyday. Things, that hold us back and makes us stiff-necked is our uncircumcised heart. Fear of what others will say? What I have learnt from God's Word is not what people have been believing, will they reject me? Will this change my life completely, how will I manage? If the system rejects me, will I be alone? Will I loose all the good things in life?

Let us circumcise our hearts and let the Lord work in us that we may be healed completely and become more and more like Jesus.

Holy God, your ways are marvelous. You are patient and perfect in your work in us. We who are so much unlike Jesus Christ; You are working in us and making us like Him. Let me not be stiff-necked and hamper your work in me. I ask this prayer in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Reference Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 13:9-12
9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

2 Corinthians 13:8-9
8 For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.
9 For we are glad, when we are weak, and ye are strong: and this also we wish, even your perfection.

John 4:37-38
37 And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth.
38 I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.
