September 26, 2008

Who God Uses?

Who God Uses?

If you say, "Hey, that's none of my business…" will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you know -- someone not impressed with weak excuses." Proverbs 24:12 MSG

Webster's dictionary defines the word excuse as:
To make allowance for; overlook:

Many times people will have a perceived good excuse why they can not do the will of God in their life. Here is a list of excuses key people in the Bible could have used:

Jacob was a liar:
Noah was drunk:

Elijah was suicidal:
Gideon was afraid:

David had an affair:
Joseph was abused:

Naomi was a widow:
Abraham was too old:

Paul was too religious:
Isaiah preached naked:

Rahab was a prostitute:
John was self-righteous:

Zacchaeus was too small:
Jonah ran away from God:

Matthew was a tax collector:
Samson had long uncut hair:

Timothy had a stomach ulcer:
Martha worried about everything:

Job went bankrupt and lost everything:
Jeremiah and Timothy were too young:

Moses, David and Paul were murderers:
All the disciples fell asleep while praying:

Mary Magdalene was demon-possessed:
Peter was destructive, impulsive and hot-tempered:

Mary was so Jesus minded she was no earthly good:
The Samaritan woman was divorced - more than once:

John the Baptist ate locusts and wandered in the desert:
The boy with the fish and five rolls of bread is still unknown:

So what is my excuse for not repenting and doing the will of God in my life?

Prayer: Father remove every excuse that I have for not doing Your will in my life. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

Pastor Bill

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