February 12, 2009

A Revolution has Come

A Revolution has Come

I cringe every time I hear a parent warn a child, or a friend advise another friend, "Don't get your expectations too high. We live in an unjust world. Bad things do happen to good people" Well, it depends. Yes, if you are referring to the kingdom of this world alone, cruel and unjust things can prevail. If, however, through the lens of faith, you include the kingdom of God, you are dead wrong. That is the Good News! That is the Christmas story!

When the Savior of the world came to earth 2008 years ago, he turned everything upside down. The world has never been the same. Each day, but especially during the Christmas season, we are given the choice to believe or not believe in that often counter-intuitive, upside down revolution.

In fact, you are being invited by the Savior this very hour to join Him in the greatest movement that has ever run through history - helping the kingdom of heaven merge completely with the kingdom of this world. Talk about revolution! Through His radical, loving Son, God has nothing less in mind than to redeem the whole earth, His people, and all of creation. And, you can join that movement if you'd like. Your life will never be the same if you do.

As Isaiah the prophet wrote approximately 700 years before the birth of Christ: "For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His government and its peace will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity." (Isaiah 9:6-7a)

Many Baby Boomers make the mistake of thinking that Jesus is a part of the establishment, status quo, and people of power. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Jesus was the original revolutionary. He cannot be contained within a box, especially within a church structure which has become institutional and self-serving. He came to tear down the walls of anything and everything that supports worldly power apart from God. And, tear down the walls he has.

Who would have guessed that something more powerful than the Egyptian Pharaoh existed, that the Roman Empire would eventually become Christian, that the abuses of the Church would not prevail during the Reformation, that the injustices of slavery would cease, or that Karl Marx and his followers would see the day when millions of people in Russia and now China are finding greater purpose in following Jesus versus the Communist Manifesto?

God is on the move all the time, moving us closer to the establishment of his kingdom on earth.

Which injustices are bearing down on your own life? Which obstacles seem completely insurmountable? Are you wondering if there is any justice anywhere? Is your soul dying for the freedom the gospel offers? You have a choice. You can go one of two ways. The sirens of the world will invite you to join the cynics, the skeptics, those who will instruct you on how to live as a victim, be justly angry and bitter each day within the context of our fallen world which is mistaken for reality. Or, you can choose to surrender to God's grace, join the revolution, and live each day within a completely different set of rules and with access to the same loving, forgiving power which created the world.

And to think that it all started when God chose a lowly peasant girl named Mary to be the earthly mother of his son. After being approached by the angel, Gabriel, Mary understood immediately her role in the revolution. In song back to God, Mary exclaimed: "For the Mighty One is holy, and he has done great things for me. He shows mercy from generation to generation to all who fear him. His mighty arm has done tremendous things! He has scattered the proud and haughty ones. He has brought down princes from their thrones and exalted the humble" (Luke 1:49-52).

Dean Masters

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