June 14, 2008

Pass the Honey!

Pass the Honey!

Psalm 81:13-16

"If My people would but listen to Me, if Israel would follow My ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn My hand against their foes! Those who hate the LORD would cringe before Him, and their punishment would last forever. But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you."

I was driving along listening to Christian radio when I heard an old song that was old when I was just a boy. I am here to tell you - that was a long, long, time ago! It was called, "Honey in the Rock." One line of the song goes something like this: "Leave your sins for the blood to cover -- there is honey in the rock for you."

I could hardly wait to get home to check my Blue Letter Bible to see if there was a reference to support the concept of honey from the rock. There are two. The one here in Psalm 81 and also in Deuteronomy 32:13. “He made him ride on the heights of the land and fed him with the fruit of the fields. He nourished him with honey from the rock and with oil from the flinty crag.”

As I consider these two verses, I feel that there is a lesson that the Lord wants us to learn. But first we must establish the conditions.

God has always been displeased when His people turn their back on Him and go their willful way. A few verses before the verses that I cited today, God laments that His people would not listen to Him, nor would they submit to Him, so He gave them over to their own devises. That is a scary thought! Our own devices always result in tragedy and chaos.

Look around us today. Pick up a newspaper, turn on the T.V. or radio, and see all of the violence. People riot, destroy and kill without regard for life or property. We hear of road rage that results in accidents or shootings. We are told of gang violence that cuts off the life of kids in their teens. We are now hearing of desk violence, where even offices are hazard zones.

Violence has always been present since Adam’s fall, but it is far more widespread in our present age. It all goes back to one single cause: Those who fail to honor the Lord are a people who will suddenly be overcome with violence. Our nation and virtually every nation on the face of the earth have turned away from God. It was done so long ago that many nations were founded without God. We have shut God out of our homes, our schools, our government and our courts, dare I say it - our churches, and then wring our hands about why all of these evil things are seen all around us. We are so brilliant!!! Right!!

God gives a fantastic promise in today’s Scripture. He will provide the finest wheat for us to make bread and He will give us honey to spread on the slices hot from the oven! The promise is conditional in that we need to listen to Him and follow His ways. Hey! That sounds easy!

It does not say that we are to seek the advice of a counselor, ask the members of my group, or check our church manual. We need to listen to HIM! That means spending time in His Word, devoting ourselves to prayer, attending a church where God’s Word is taught with authority, humbling ourselves in brokenness and such other things that the Holy Spirit will lay upon our hearts. The result is that our enemies will be subdued by the Lord. He is going to do it, so please, do not try to do it yourself. Rest in Him and let Him bring it all to pass.

He will bring honey from the rock. Honey does not usually come from the rock. For that matter, water does not come from the rock, but it did in the Exodus, when God provided water for His people. Our God is not confined to doing the things that are explainable. When He provides the miraculous honey you need in your life, don’t try to understand it, just return thanks, and spread it on your toast. Let’s start living in the realm of the promises of God. There's honey there!!!

Pastor Cecil Thompson

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