April 2, 2009



"And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, where art thou?" (Genesis 3: 8, 9 KJV)

I bought a baby parakeet Tuesday afternoon. It is a beautiful blue parakeet. He is two months old. I had planned on naming my new parakeet "Baby" in honor of my first parakeet. However when I was at the pet store, one of the employees was watching me talk to the parakeet and she made the comment "He looks so happy when you are talking to him." So I decided to name my beautiful new baby parakeet "Happy".

I am writing this devotion Wednesday night so I have only had him about thirty hours and he is already getting on my finger when I tell him to perch. He is letting me stroke his belly and he really does seem to be happy. The only time he doesn't seem to be happy is when I am not paying attention to him or talking to Him. I think if he could talk to me, he would say "Where are you and why aren't you talking to me?"

I think if we will listen with our hearts we will hear our Heavenly Father saying to us "Where art thou and why aren't you talking to Me?" I believe that it makes God very sad and hurts Him when we don't talk to Him. He is waiting for us to talk to Him. Sometimes He has to wait all day long before we take a few minutes to talk to Him. How we hurt Him and break His heart?

We sometimes use the excuse "I'm too busy to talk to Him during the day. I have a very hectic schedule." Have you ever noticed that if an emergency comes up, we don't have any problem making time to ask Him to help us? May God forgive us for taking Him for granted. If we are too busy to talk to God, we are too busy and we need to prioritize our schedules and rearrange them to be certain that He comes first before everyone and everything.

It is no wonder at all that we have problems in our work and in our lives when we ignore Him or just squeeze Him in when we have a few extra minutes between meetings and activities. If we will put Him in first in our lives as He should be, we will be a lot more success in our jobs. We will also have more peace and a lot more happiness in our lives.

More important than that, we will make Him happy if we will make time for Him and talk to Him the first thing every morning. Are you making our Heavenly Father happy or are you making Him sad? Are you spending time with Him and talking to Him every morning or are you just giving Him a few minutes between appointments and activities?

Joanne Lowe

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This mail is really good and the article is awesome i realised the one am doing daily is praying in the early morning makes God so happy its really good . i jus want to share this so did .