December 17, 2007

Pray about Everything, All the Time

Pray about Everything, All the Time

Prayer is the gracious gift of God to us that allows us to communicate with Him. It allows us to express our needs and our worship of Him, to correct the wrongs of our society and of individual wicked people that we are otherwise helpless to protect ourselves from. Prayer also allows us to intercede with God on behalf of our family and friends, and even our enemies. Prayer allows us to ask for healing of our mind and body, and to rid our conscience of guilt and sin.

Before we pray, we must have a clean heart and conscience. The Bible says that if we are holding on to secret sinful attitudes and activities, God refuses to hear us and answer our prayers will go un-answered.

So first, we must deal with any sin in our life. If we think that we have not sinned, we are fooling ourselves. We are all sinners, fallen and depraved. Even though we are born again, we still have the tendency to hold on to sinful attitudes and do little secret sins. If we try to pray with sin on our heart, The Lord will not hear us. If we ask the Holy Spirit to search our heart and reveal to us what we need to confess and to stop doing, He will do so. Then with peace in our heart we will have confidence that our prayers will be answered, because we are talking with the All-Powerful, All-Seeing, and All-Loving God who controls the universe.

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