May 10, 2009

Why Bother?

Why Bother?

I got up and started to make the bed. I looked at the sheets and blankets and thought "Why bother? I'm just going to get into it later anyway." Then I remembered how much better it feels to crawl into a freshly made bed than one that is all dishevelled and unmade. It's worth the bother.

I looked at mount laundry (my pet name for our laundry basket) and thought of the unending cycle of taking clothes to the laundry room, sorting them, washing them, drying them, folding them and taking them back upstairs. I thought, "Why bother? They are just going to get dirty again anyway." Then I remembered the times of having to reuse a towel too often or wearing a sweaty shirt for the third day. It's worth the bother.

I told Kathy that I love her. For a moment beforehand I thought "Why bother? She already knows." Of course she knows but it's still nice to hear the words from someone who loves you.

There are lots of things in life that we could ask, "Why bother?" about. There is usually an excellent reason to be bothered with them.

I walked around with unconfessed sin in my heart and thought "Why bother to take it to God? I'm just going to have to go to Him again later with more sins." Then I remembered how close to Him I felt when I had a clean heart and the marvellous sense of freedom that it brought.

That close relationship with God is a rare and precious commodity. It has value beyond measure and relatively few people ever find it.

Most statistics I have seen show that perhaps 1 in 10 people are true "born again" Christians. Many of that small number are strained in their relationship with God for various reasons. If we're very generous and assume that 1 in 2 born again Christians (and I suspect the real number is probably closer to 1 in 10) is walking closely with God that bring us down to only one out of every twenty people knows that freedom.

The relationship with Jesus is the most valuable thing there is. Jesus understood that and communicated it through some of His parables.

Matthew 13:44-46 NIV
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it."

Why bother to open your heart to Christ? The freedom is worth it.

Why bother loving others? Jesus told us that is how the world would know we belong to Him.

Why bother to share the gospel when it seems like people don't want to hear? Jesus is worthy of our efforts.

Why bother to make disciples? Jesus told us to.

Until next time, take the opportunity to "bother" and be blessed for your efforts.

Hallelu Yah (Praise God)

Be blessed,
Kevin Corbin

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